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Kicked in at the Last Minute
Citation:   sweetlyspun. "Kicked in at the Last Minute: An Experience with Ketamine (exp90783)". Aug 5, 2017.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  .5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis  
I am not a heavy drug user although I am always curious to try new things and try to get the best out of them. At the time of this particular event I had only ever smoked weed before and therefore was still a beginner but some friends had convinced me that it was worth a go. Because had never snorted drugs before I was a bit apprehensive to try Ketamine (I had heard some bad things about it) but I wanted to have a good night so I bought half a gram as I was advised that this would be about right.

I began at roughly 5pm in the afternoon with my friend setting up my first line for me in my college toilet. It was relatively small, probably only about 30mg, just a starter really. Once I had snorted the line it took quite a while for it to kick in at all. The actual snorting of the line was what put me off most at first as it left a really horrible taste at the back of my throat, however throughout the course of the night this becomes less and less noticeable. Once I had snorted the line it took quite a while for it to kick in at all. In fact it didn't hit me in any way until we got up and started walking out of college about ten minutes later.

The first feelings I experienced were that all colours were amplified and my feet seemed to be gliding beneath me. However I was still in good control of myself and was able to get easily out of college and talk to friends without coming across as though I had taken anything. I was extremely disappointed by my first line as the feeling only lasted a maximum of five minutes and was similar to that of a very weak hit of weed. Therefore I couldn’t wait to carry on to the party and push it a bit further in the hope that I might really get something out of the Ket.

We then started on our way to the party where we ran into some friends on the way. They had just blazed up their joints and shared with us so I ended up having roughly half a joint with this guy and just chilling out for quite a while. We then carried on and finally got to the party about an hour later. The party was being held in this nice little club/bar and as we got there a bit early it was pretty vacant. My three friends and I went to the toilet for another line. This time I did my own and made it a bit bigger, probably about 50mg. After doing this line we went back out to the club and chatted with a few people we knew. One of my friends and myself found our Ket was wearing off really quickly again, five minutes at the most. So we went back to the loo and did another line. Bigger again although by now I wasn’t really thinking exactly how big.

By now it was roughly 9 pm and the bar had really started to fill up as the band was just about to start their set. The Ket kept wearing off really quickly and only giving any sort of feeling for a really short amount of time.
The Ket kept wearing off really quickly and only giving any sort of feeling for a really short amount of time.
When I did get anything I felt almost as if I was sinking into the seat I was in or, when I was standing up, like everyone was rushing past and as if I was moving slower. However I still didn’t really feel like this was anything special. So just before the band came out I went and did another massive line, roughly 80mg, and this hit me a fair bit harder although still not very impressive. We only stayed inside to listen for a couple of songs then a large group of us moved outside.

The rest of the night carried on pretty much the same, going to do a fairly big line of Ket, coming outside chatting and wondering aimlessly for a while and then going to do another line and so on. I really was annoyed at how little the Ket was hitting me as some of my other friends were really getting into it. I hadn’t expected that it would have such a minute effect so far into the night, especially as I was new to this and had no previous tolerance to anything of the kind. I really just felt like I was quite drunk, even though I hadn’t drunk anything at all that night.

However, unfortunately at about 11:30pm while I was doing two more lines in one of the bathrooms, I got caught by one of the staff and me and my friends were kicked out of the bar. It was at this point that I really finally felt the amazing feelings that Ket can give. After being kicked out we decided to head back to my friend’s sisters place which was empty. As we walked down the road back to the tube station the Ket hit me suddenly.

In one moment I was flying and skipping down the road and everything was soft and cushioned around me. I remember thinking to myself that “this is what fairies must feel like” and I was completely and utterly euphoric with everything around me being beautiful to the full extent. I also remember running into things and whacking my knees on almost every corner or lamppost but not feeling any sort of pain, just floaty softness. All the lights around me were dazzling and sparkled and they moved almost like fluid against the black sky. It was extremely dream like although I could still make sense of all the people around me. My sound was affected slightly too, when my friend shouted from across the road the sound stretched out and became slower, it was almost as though I could see the words as they came towards me although there was no actual image in my mind of the words, it’s quite hard to describe. Also there was no effort to anything. There were large steps up to the train station and I ran up them with not even a breath. Everything was really easy to do and I almost forgot doing it straight after I had done it.

On the journey home we tried to do the act normal thing which probably failed as we were all pretty gone but it was good fun and we just chilled out, relaxed and let the Ket take us. Before finally getting to the house we stopped at a McDonalds to do another line although a slight paranoia began to set in as we could hear the people waiting to use the toilet and we were convinced that they knew what we were doing and were going to tell on us. I was especially nervous as I had already been caught once that night and was still feeling a little shaky from that. The mild paranoia then continued as we walked back to the house as it was pitch black and the area was pretty deserted except for some taxi men waiting outside the taxi office. We also got a bit lost and one of my friends was walking particularly slowly and kept getting distracted.

At last we made it back to the house. By this point it was just three of us so the atmosphere was really relaxed and easy going. When we got in I had started to feel a bit sleepy and bored as it had worn off again. So I decided to finish of my Ket, making a pretty huge line, about three inches long and quite thick as well. After finishing off my lot I had a quick snack and then it all went a bit bad.

The hit was really sudden and I began to feel freezing cold and was constantly shivering. I also couldn’t feel my legs at all and kept feeling like I was about to pass out. At the time I wasn’t sure what was happening although everything seemed especially dark. I wasn’t really scared, just confused and disorientated. When I moved it seemed as though I hadn’t moved and had just thought about it. For example I went to get a blanket and although I was clearly sitting there with it, I didn’t feel like I had done it at all. My friends also told me that I was in fact boiling hot despite the fact that I was shivering. I then decided that the best thing to do was sleep it off so I went and passed out on the bed into the most relaxing and deep sleep I have ever had.

Overall I would have to say that whilst it took it’s time to get going it was wonderful when it did. I also think that it was probably the adrenaline of getting caught that boosted my hit when I got kicked out of the bar. There were also no after effects apart from a few bruises from where I had walked into things.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90783
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 5, 2017Views: 1,532
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Ketamine (31) : First Times (2), General (1), Various (28)

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