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Bliss of Morphine
Citation:   Aphelion. "Bliss of Morphine: An Experience with Morphine (exp9082)". Oct 25, 2001.

60 mg oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
This experience is about taking 2x Morphine tablets (30mg each) The onset for me took about 15-30 minutes and lasted about 4-5 hours with some lingering after effects. Before I took it was feeling pretty happy already and I continued to feel happy and blissful throughout the duration of the experience. The feeling was not unlike that of being on heroin which produces a nice warm body feeling and a feeling of being somewhat disconnected from life around you. I just wanted to sink into my bed when I was on it.

Driving is a little difficult on this drug, it's almost like driving on pot because I tended to make big movements rather than being able to have total exact control. A couple days after taking it I was slightly constipated which is a common effect of opiates. If you take it, take a little at first if you can to get an idea of your tolerance and then build up to a larger dose. Be careful not to take too much or your breathing can stop and you can die.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9082
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 25, 2001Views: 49,848
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Morphine (211) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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