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Strong Urge to Re-Dose
Products - Bath Salts ('Ivory Wave') & Alcohol
Citation:   Elwood. "Strong Urge to Re-Dose: An Experience with Products - Bath Salts ('Ivory Wave') & Alcohol (exp90913)". Feb 24, 2017.

  oral Products - Bath Salts, Plant Food, etc (powder / crystals)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  1 tablet oral Diphenhydramine  
    repeated oral Alcohol - Hard  


I got about 2.5 grams of this Ivory Wave in the mail today.

I took one 200mg packet and dumped it into a baggy and alz I did was lick my fingers in the empty packet. Because (thankfully) I read about some experiences I didn't even do a line. It's very strong.

About 7:00PM I dumped the contents of a 200mg package into a baggy and consumed what was on my fingers as well as what was stuck to the OEM package. I immediately got busy working on my car for the next two hours. I got stuff done and felt fine, actually not really high at all.

After about 2:20 the wife came down and I realized how focused I was and that this was serious shit. I pushed away the strong urge to re-dose and got back work.

After about T+3:30 I stopped to smoke and felt a strong urge to re-dose, thankfully I resist.

After working on my Hot Rod I decide to come upstairs drink a few beers (I still feel the strong urge to re-dose) After a few mins. I can't sit still so I decide to go to the local hardware store (still open 20 till ten). I feel like I have decided to re-dose during the trip to the store but thankfully I don't.

I realize now that the drug is like cocaine but also everything I hate about coke (the comedown and the anxiety). At this point I'm writing at 11:36 and I've resisted the urge to re-dose or even do a real line yet I still feel tweaked. I drink a few shots Jim Beam a couple of beers and still further a benadryl followed by about 6 shots of Tequila... I realize now that the 200mg package is meant to be cut with some baby formula about 10 to one.

I bought this to share with friends during a canoe trip but now know that I must cut it first, even then is it worth the shitty comedown that's here.

I recently got a 10 pack of Raving Dragon which is clearly cut with something as I was able to comfortably use about a gram in two days (much more my speed). I feel sorry for anyone who winds up abusing the Ivory Wave not knowing how concentrated it is.

Good luck, be happy.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90913
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: Feb 24, 2017Views: 2,200
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Products - Bath Salts, Plant Food, etc (521) : Alone (16), Performance Enhancement (50), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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