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Visually Impressive, Yet Highly Relaxing
Citation:   Green. "Visually Impressive, Yet Highly Relaxing: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp91024)". Sep 16, 2018.

17 mg oral 2C-T-2 (capsule)
    smoked Cannabis  
A Worthwhile Trip

I've recently acquired a connect to various research chemicals and one of my friends sold me a 17 mg capsule of 2ct2 when he came to visit me at my place. Having nothing better to do that day, I took it and my friend and I settled in and began playing video games.

The come up was slow and gentle. About an hour or so after ingesting the 2ct2 my friend asked me how I was feeling and if I was seeing any visuals yet. I hadn’t actually thought about it but as I looked around the room, things were morphing and changing all around me and rainbows filled up negative space. We went on to the balcony and each smoked a small bowl of marijuana which complimented the trip nicely.

Like most of the 2c series, I remained fairly clear headed but there were obvious impairments. I performed poorly in the video games we were playing and the 2ct2 was causing minor changes in my perception of pitch and volume making it difficult at times to follow what my friend was saying.

I began peaking about 3 or so hours after first taking the 17 mg. The 2ct2 had a nice warm body anchor to it and I sank into the armchair I was sitting in and mostly watched the visuals in the room. I had previously done 2ce about a month or so before, the 2ct2 lacked the overtly positive feel of the 2ce trip, but not in a bad way. “I don’t care” was the pervasive feel of the trip
the 2ct2 lacked the overtly positive feel of the 2ce trip, but not in a bad way. “I don’t care” was the pervasive feel of the trip
and I enjoyed the aloofness of it. There was only one minor instance of paranoia when we heard a knock at my front door when I was not expecting anyone else to come over and I became unsure of what to do. After several minutes of debating back and forth how easily I could hide my obviously impaired state, the man left; he turned out to simply be a cable television representative making a cold call. It wasn’t a terrible deal, but I wasn’t all that down to discuss changing my cable provider at that point in time. After that incident, I simply sat back in my chair and carried on as I had been doing before.

My friend and I stepped out onto the balcony again where we smoked another small bowl of marijuana and watched one of the most dazzling sunsets I had ever seen. The red and orange mixed gorgeously with the intensely bright blue sky and thin strips of clouds swirled over head.

At the tail end of my trip, my friend went home for the evening and I settled in and read a book. The come down was a bit like the come up, slow but gentle. I smoked another bowl of marijuana and then decided to call it a night. I didn’t get much sleep that night, though this is quite common for me when I take a member of the 2c series.

The 2c series tend to leave me much clearer headed than shrooms or acid might. A visually impressive, yet highly relaxing hallucinogenic.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91024
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 16, 2018Views: 1,204
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2C-T-2 (53) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), General (1)

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