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Exit From Addiction
Ketamine & Lamotrigine
Citation:   Mohamed. "Exit From Addiction: An Experience with Ketamine & Lamotrigine (exp91056)". Aug 18, 2018.

    Pharms - Clonazepam
      Pharms - Lamotrigine
    repeated   Ketamine
Hello everyone,

What we all know about Ketamine is that it is not an addictive substance, but in fact it is highly addictive. It is not a physical addiction like Heroin or Cocaine, it is a psychological addiction which most of us are not going to take seriously.

I am a bipolar person and have been abusing K for a year shooting huge amounts almost daily and just couldn't stop until the day I have started taking a mood stabilizer called 'Lamotrigine' which blocked Ketamine hallucinations completely !
I could still lose contact with reality but without any good feeling or psychedelic effects which helped me a lot in getting over K addiction and restoring back the normal 'real' life

Those who ever tried Ketamine know how strong the craving is and probably never been able to stop taking it until now. In fact Ketamine affects many kinds of brain receptors in an indirect way including opioid, dopamine and serotonin receptors, which might explain the strong crave for it in addition of course to the seduction of its powerful amazing psychedelic trips.

One more thing... Taking the benzodiazepine 'Clonazepam' along with 'Lamotrigine' was from my experience the best combination to stop K addiction for good.

It is already well known that benzodiazepines reduce the psychedelic effects of Ketamine, but what is new here is my 'Lamotergine' experience which I am sharing here to maybe help someone struggling with K addiction.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91056
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Aug 18, 2018Views: 2,575
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Ketamine (31), Pharms - Lamotrigine  (432) : Not Applicable (38), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Addiction & Habituation (10), Combinations (3)

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