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Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   ZANiAC. "Kushroom: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp91099)". Nov 2, 2022.

2.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  1 bowl smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I had never considered myself to be an experienced stoner, tripper; what have you. To be quite honest, the first time I had ever gotten high was the New Years of 2010, and even then, I had only started smoking regularly since the beginning of 2011.

I had never been into the drug scene, often, being as arrogant as I was, chastising my fellow peers for 'blazing.' Only until one of my cousins, who I had the utmost respect for, had begun educating me on the subject did I begin inhaling the magic smoke. I had always been considered an underachiever, often told by many that I was wasting my potential playing video games and staying indoors. By no means was I anti-social, I just preferred solitude. Well, at least, I used to.

While speaking to two close friends one night, who will undergo the aliases of “A” and “S” had I discovered the potential of shrooms. After hearing stories of “seeing music” and “talking to t-shirts,” I was eager to try this foreign substance. Moving a couple of weeks ahead, while talking to my friends “D” and “M,” the topic of shrooms had come up. “So, you guys wanna try it?” I said, anxiously awaiting a response. M was willing to, but D simply replied: “You two are idiots, you’re gonna kill yourselves or something. Watch.”

Contemplating whether or not I should go the full nine yards, I had decided to do some research: speaking with a new friend “C,” who had had past experiences with shrooms, he had only good things to say. I had done research on the internet, such as: dosage, effects, longevity, harms, etc. I had made my decision: I was going to do shrooms. It was all planned out: we were going to go outside, listen to music, (I had made a playlist based on what my friends had recommended, regrettable, slightly, only because it wasn’t my particular taste. But I’ve learned to love it) essentially, just to enjoy the trip.

The morning of the next day, or “Kushroom Thursday” as me and M had dubbed it, was full of excitement. After my parents had left for work, as well as my sister, I had called up M to come to my place around 8 am. I had not eaten breakfast or had a midnight snack as I had heard people say that it gets into your “system” faster if you don’t. Wanting the best trip possible, I obeyed. Fearing what may happen to us unsupervised, I had asked D to be our sitter, another friend “Mo” unexpectedly decided to tag along as our “sober” sitter since D was planning to blaze.

Opening up the baggy, we stared in awe at the dried, odourless shrooms. “Once we start, there’s no turning back. Understand?” I looked at M, we exchanged a brotherly “lets do this” handshake. After popping the first stem into my mouth, the taste of old sunflower seeds were apparent. My phone beeped, indicating I had gotten a new text message, I read it, it was from C: “Don’t forget, keep chewing it.” So we did, well, I did, M swallowed what had become a green paste quite a few times at first.

After finishing the batch, I had remembered what C had told me, “There’s a kick. You’re sober one moment, and then something triggers it. Anything. Mine was during the pause that occurs in the Beatles song ‘All My Loving’ near the intro.” I sat on my couch, staring into oblivion with M, occasionally giggling in excitement, waiting for my “kick.” I looked around my living room. I had a painting of “The Creation of Adam” by Micheangelo on the wall. After looking at it, a loud “thud noise” rang through my head. Well, it was more of a deep bass which was gone as quick as it had come.

Everything seemed to change; the effects hadn’t hit M yet. He looked at me, his face resembling that of the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, asked me “Wanna smoke a bowl?” We got up, along with D, and began to blaze. Things started to climb, the sound of classic rock playing over my dad’s sound system was incredible. After smoking, I had looked at the adjacent wall from us. The shadows projected on it resembled an octopus chariot, walking down a hallway, similarly to the giant mech in the movie. I could tell M was tripping hard. He was wriggling in a comforter on my couch, embracing the feelings of euphoria. He looked as if he was wrapped in a sort of cocoon.

My dog had walked into the living room, unaccustomed to strangers, she began barking. Unfortunately, she scared M quite a bit, but for me, it was comforting, she cared, she was watching over me, just as I had watched over her since she was a pup. I walked around the room, began dancing, laying on the ground trying to take it all in. I stared at my ceiling, M laid down beside me both staring and sharing our trips with each other, while D was making obnoxious wailing noises for his own entertainment. I sat up, and grabbed one of my nephew’s mobiles. The stuffed animals, hanging from each arm of the mobile began to dance around the non-existent bonfire, laughing in bliss.

The trip just kept climbing, getting more and more intense as time went by... Or froze. I had been warned not to stare into a mirror, but I did. I looked at myself, smiling, giggling like a juvenile, but completely fine with it. M on the other hand wasn’t having such a good time, yelling at D for his incessant “sound effects,” you could tell that he was getting angry. D decided to screw around with our playlist rather than let it happen. He played Bob Marley, don’t get me wrong, I love the guy, but switching from Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds to Get Up Stand Up wasn’t very pleasant, especially when it was just starting to get good. Out of nowhere, Led Zep’s Immigrant Song began to play, startling the lot of us, causing a mild panic attack. We quickly hit shuffle, only to be rescued by Baba O’Riley by Queen.

Wanting to change the setting, M looked at me, “Hey, let’s go make some music,” he suggested. See, my dad was in a band with his friends, occasionally having gigs almost every weekend as a bit of a hobby, so my basement was full of instruments. D, upon hearing this, sprung to his feet and ran downstairs, and began playing the drums. Mo, being our sober sitter, and realizing that D was bothering us, told D to stop, but again, the guy didn’t listen.

Halfway down the staircase towards my basement, M froze. He sat down, and so did I. There was a spider on the wall, about the size of a thumbnail. “It’s multiplying,” M said in astonishment. As he said this, the spiders transformed into what looked like a kaleidoscope of arachnids with smiley face patterns on their abdomens. I began to cry, not out of fear, but out of happiness, basking in the glory of the magnificent creature(s) in front of me. D, suddenly, out of nowhere, poked a drumstick at the spider, scaring it off. I was enraged, my newfound little eight-legged friend had scampered in fear from us, man: the most destructive thing on planet Earth since internet porn. I quickly retreated upstairs, D followed, M stood in the stairwell, paralyzed. Mo coerced M to come upstairs with us as he didn’t want us to split up. M just stood there staring. Finally coming to his senses he too came upstairs.

M’s trip was beginning to die, mine was at it’s peak (I’m a small guy, the shrooms hit me much harder). D was burning out, M was simply tired, Mo was on his iPad... I was on the ground, lying beside my dog, staring into her eyes, wanting to understand her. Her face, although void of emotions, told a story of how she would be loyal to me and my family to the end, swearing to protecting us, my nephew mostly, who was just over a year old. I started to cry... Again, remembering the times I had gotten mad at her when she was younger for when she had caused trouble. I got up, sat down at my dining table, looking around my dining room, a hall of glass, mirrors everywhere. It was magnificent, like being transported into unearthly glass worlds. My body no longer existed; my eyes were the only part of my body that seemed to still be with me
looking around my dining room, a hall of glass, mirrors everywhere. It was magnificent, like being transported into unearthly glass worlds. My body no longer existed; my eyes were the only part of my body that seemed to still be with me
, recording everything.

At this point, Mo had begun to get tired, he offered D a ride home, I suggested M to go home with him as well since him taking the bus in his state would be ill-advised. After they left, the effects began to die down. I was me again. Once the last of my hallucinations ended the deep bass sound returned, much more thunderous, like the voice of God, speaking in an unrecognizable language declaring the end of my trip.

I’m by no means a religious person, I still believe, but I don’t practice (Roman Catholic), but after the trip, I had a heightened sense of spirituality, a better appreciation for the world, a strange infatuation with spiders, and an odd, misunderstood hate towards people acting as if their lives were the worst things ever, basically, anyone who thought that reality TV was reality. I had no desire to smoke the next few days, no desire to watch TV, play video games... Any sort of earthly desire was gone. All I longed for was knowledge. After taking a long-ass nap, I immediately hit the books, and began studying. It was a weird feeling, but it felt right.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91099
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Nov 2, 2022Views: 786
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