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Sense of Well Being and Completely Relaxed
Sceletium tortuosum
Citation:   Indifferent. "Sense of Well Being and Completely Relaxed: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum (exp91104)". Jun 8, 2018.

  smoked Sceletium tortuosum (ground / crushed)
    insufflated Sceletium tortuosum (ground / crushed)
Kanna Is Great

I am a regular cannabis user, i have got some experiences with LSA (hawaiian baby woodrose) and synthetic cannabinoids.

I have ordered a 2grams of finely powdered plant material from trustworthy seller. After reading numerous articles about Kanna my expectations were pretty high. I have tried snorting and smoking Kanna and each produced a noticeable and very good effect.

SMOKING - I think this is the fastest way to produce the effects. I smoked probably 300mg of powder. The taste of smoke was pretty good, much than I expected. Immediately after smoking I felt light headed, and I had a very pleasant feeling in my arms. Something like a small dose of cannabis, but without the slowed flow of thoughts and increased heart rate. I felt the sense of well being and I started listening to my favorite music. I closed my eyes and it was really nice feeling.

SNORTING - After great experience with smoking I also wanted to try out snorting. It is not so bad to snort the material, it just depends on how finely crushed it is. After snorting about 200mg I had exactly the same effects as when smoked. Then I went out to first date with girl. Normally I am a little bit shy person and before date I usually feel very anxious. But not this time. I was completely relaxed and the date went REALLY well. All the time I was greatly enjoying the conversation with her, I felt no anxiety or shyness.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91104
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 8, 2018Views: 3,645
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