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My Subjective 2C-E Trials
Citation:   Korey. "My Subjective 2C-E Trials: An Experience with 2C-E (exp91312)". Jul 28, 2013.

  repeated   2C-E
I had my first experience with 2C-E almost two years ago. The experience, for lack of a better word, was extremely difficult, mainly the physical effects and the persistent body load. However, I was fascinated by the idea that besides the fact that it is very hard on the body, Shulgin had the impression that this compound was very worthwhile and he hoped to understand 2C-E's full mechanism of action, eventually. I decided the next time I came across this compound I would really start immersing myself into the experience to see if there was anything there worthwhile. In a self transcendence or enlightenment sense, I felt I enjoyed where my mind was at and though I wanted a a psychological trip comparable to that of my LSD experiences, I was mainly focused on the ability to connect to something and have the ability to wander mind-space and the array of out of body and mind blowing spiritual experiences I've had with LSD.

So now we're at the present, I've had around twenty 2C-E experiences and I've finally decided to give this compound a rest, and for me, it's going to rest permanently. What I explain further into this writing, is from a completely subjective sense, how I feel about this compound and the effects I've had from it. If you disagree and feel like sharing your experience, by all means do so, but nobody should accuse anyone of being wrong, because we tend to forget how subjective these things are. I'll be posting notes I've taken and just give my thoughts on my experiences as a whole. Hope you enjoy.

With 10mg ingested orally, I notice 2C-E puts me in a familiar state of psychedelic intoxication. At this dose I find euphoria to be extremely lacking, slight increase of body temperature, but in comparison to all my experiences with this compound, I find 10 mg to be the best dose when it comes to comfort. The mental effects of 2C-E at this dose are almost non-existent. I can't do much in the realm of meditation, I find music to be slightly more interesting and enjoyable than being sober but not remarkably so, it's almost not noticeable. This dose always becomes a visual experience and I find myself having everyday appreciation for things like the stars or moon, as I would in a sober mindset. If it is day, I can stare and have great appreciation for trees and grass, but even at 10mg I have no visual distortions, just slight enhancement comparable to any entactogens or psychedelic at low doses. There is no report with nature, no increased intuition. I equate this dose to just getting high off a phenthylamine. Not too much here.

With 20 mg I find the body load to be almost unbearable at times and this is when 2C-E becomes a compound I'm only comfortable doing alone. Visually reminiscent of most psychedelic phenehtylamines and appreciation for aesthetics is pronounced. Still no real euphoria. I can feel my blood pressure is up and my temperature is quite elevated. Music is enjoyable at times but I have a hard time integrating the experience because the body load is so uncomfortable. Listening to people's voices on the radio or television becomes a task. Sometimes they speak unbelievably fast and sometimes quite slow. The distortion of sounds becomes very interesting but when they register in my psyche they don't produce any driven euphoria like one would except on a dose of LSD or psiolocyin. Still very interesting nonetheless. A few hours in I generally get used to the body load at this dose, but I still find the psychological effects to be uninteresting. Still no insight into the universe, still no real connection, I do however find my pets are aware of my stimulation at this dose, they seem to be acting bizarre around me. I attempt to meditate and fail miserably, the body load is distracting to the point where I can't let go and separate mind from body.

With 30-35 mg, I recognize this compounds dose response curve. This dose was shockingly intense on the body and there is a great sense of toxicity when it comes to the physical effects. My limbs tremor with uncomfortable energy, I feel extremely hot and can feel my blood pumping in my neck. Very uncomfortable. The visual effects are astounding. Beautiful fractals and geometric shapes are being perceived in almost every object but I can't help but feel like I would be enjoying myself greatly if I had ingested a different compound. Still very reminiscent of other PEA's and very intense. Colors and shadows run together and remind me of DOB at this dose. Closed eyed visuals in a dark lit room are beautiful but they are hard to concentrate on due to how uncomfortable I am. Nausea is at it's peak and I am surprised by the end of the experiment I did not vomit. Psychological effects still uninteresting, I find random things pop into my head that don't really have to do with anything and I still experience no enlightenment or insight into how the universe works. Meditation was a complete failure.

With 10 mg insufflated, I find the body load is more bearable, but definitely present. Almost identical report to my 20mg experience.

It feels like 2C-E is lacking something for me. I have great respect for this compound, but it doesn't deliver in the area I wish it did. I am very fond of LSD, psilocybin, DMT, and other tryptamines and a few psychedelic PEA's because of their ability to manifests themselves in my mind in a way where I can experience self-transcendence and an array of spiritual possibilities. That being said, I think there is a lot of potential for this compound but I find the body load and general persisting discomfort it instills in me completely inhibits me from getting to where I want to go with it. 2C-E seems to be a beautiful aesthetic enhancer and even with this in mind it becomes a difficult one to use because I can only use it comfortably at such limited doses. I find it could be used as a therapeutic tool for psychotherapy, yet again I question this because of the physical effects of the compound.

In regards to it and LSD, I get tired and baffled the comparison is often made. I find really no similarities between them, at all and I start to wonder how many people are ingesting psychedelic phenthylamines such as the DOxs, thinking they are taking LSD. When someone tells me they find 2C-E to be visually similar to LSD, I come to the conclusion they haven't taken high doses of either in the sense that all psychs seem relatively similar at threshold or extremely low doses or they have been eating DOx. I have been let down by the neutrality of this compound. It lacks in euphoria and really doesn't produce any at all and I have no positive mood lift like I do with other psychedelics. If the body load wasn't so pronounced for me, maybe I could achieve that mood lift and state of wonder, but I can't get there.

The pros for my subjective 2C-E experiences have been a few interesting and borderline psychological breakthroughs, the appreciation of aesthetics, mainly visual and auditory aspects, and a bonding with friends. I make the comparison that taking 2C-E and expecting to meditate and self transcend is a lot like having sexual intercourse with your penis on fire: very hard to do and very hard for any serious partaker to enjoy.

2C-E has been the most difficult psychedelic experience in the sense of integrating it with what I wanted to occur and I guess I drove the difficulty trying to explore it but I'm glad to say I have retired with this compound. 2C-E isn't good, 2C-E isn't bad, it simply just is. After my research and experiences, I am honestly confused why Shulgin lumped this in with the magical half dozen. I'd like to think there are a few more PEA's that are stronger on the mind and are gentler on the body than this compound and I can say now I disagree with this being considered a worth while material when it comes to what I'm looking for.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91312
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 28, 2013Views: 6,465
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2C-E (137) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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