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Citation:   Comatoast. "Overdone: An Experience with 5 MeO-DALT (exp91401)". Jun 10, 2011.

170 mg oral 5-MeO-DALT
My friend X had bought 5 MeO DALT from a research vendor, I have never done a PSY before so I was wanting too jump on this while it was around.

Now X had told me he did 100mg's, And his roomie Y told me he did 120, I pushed it, I took 170mg's. The trip was very very introspective. The come up was like LSD from what I've read of it, but after the come up, it was like no other drug I've ever done, I would see colors distorting when looking at anything on a screen, sounds would be enhanced, when I was not focusing on my friends X and Y everything would sound off in multiples (echoing), there where noises that I could describe only like a synthisizer, going in and out of tune over and over, I couldn't explain them if I tryed.

I can only discribe what I was as pure brain function, it was quite an interesting experience, there where times when I was most defiantly out of my comfort zone, but after the come up the ride was so intense that it was quite enjoyable.

After 3 hours I was coming down, coming down enuf too move off the couch, the trailing of objects was slowly going away, and I could smoke a cigg and think about what I just went through.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91401
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jun 10, 2011Views: 5,297
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5-MeO-DALT (321) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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