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Just Keep It Under Control
by jmac
Citation:   jmac. "Just Keep It Under Control: An Experience with Cannabis (exp91430)". Erowid.org. May 18, 2020. erowid.org/exp/91430

  smoked Cannabis (daily)
I first smoked weed when I was around 15, and then periodically for fun till I was around 17. Between my grade 11 year and my grade 12 year, I basically started smoking daily except for when I went on vacations. Smoking weed was basically a fun activity until I got into university and was living on residence by myself.

During my first year at university I was smoking weed basically all day everyday...skipping my classes a lot, not getting lots of my work done or handing it in late, waking up and smoking weed and then periodically smoking it throughout the day, mostly by myself but often with others.

A couple months ago I started feeling paranoid feelings and basically having the inability to communicate with people while I was stoned. I also felt like my tolerance had somehow gone way down...
I also felt like my tolerance had somehow gone way down...
now smoking just a couple puffs was making me super 'in my head' and any more than that was giving me full on anxiety. I often thought that I was addicted to marijuana but it didnt really seem like a big deal since its often considered to be such a harmless drug. But then I started wondering why I was wasting my money (god, so much money over the years) on a drug that makes me slightly depressed and paranoid. Also a definite reason for my 64% average I got in first year.

I havnt been not smoking weed for long, only about 10 days, but at this point I have no desire to buy or smoke weed, I feel like my head is slowly clearing. I have been reading about marijuana withdrawal online and I basically have all the classic symptoms...crazy dreams/nightmares, slight anxiety...although I really DONT have a desire to smoke weed...I'm sure I will smoke weed again but I need to learn to do it in moderation... Every once in a while, I will try smoking weed again probably in a couple months and gauge how fun it is... I feel like I dont even really remember how enjoyable smoking weed once was.

Taking a good amount of time off...it took me quite a while to come to this conclusion...

Exp Year: 2006-2010ExpID: 91430
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 18, 2020Views: 676
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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