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Citation:   Psyke. "25D-NBOMelated: An Experience with 25D-NBOMe (exp91460)". Jun 12, 2011.

1600 ug buccal 25D-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
So I finally got around to experimenting with this one. I put two 800 mcg blotters (25d-nbome) between my upper gum and cheek. I tried to swallow my spit as little as possible but I ended up doing it a tad bit too often; probably resulting in a lighter experience. I never took the blotters out of my gum until I went to bed approximately 7 hours later.

The result was a thoughtful and slighty trippy mindscape. Deep thoughts were abundant and easy to ponder from various angles. Introspective in a flexible, un-forced way unlike 2c-e. Thought a lot about current relationships ongoing in my life.

Slight visual disturbances but nothing of note; very mellow. I spent some of the trip contemplating life in my hot tub. I spent the majority of the trip reading Pihkal which was very rewarding being in the shoes of Ann as she first tries DOB and 2c-t-2.

Tried to sleep at about T+5.00 hours in but couldn't sleep until about T+8.00. It's worth noting that I'm usually an insomniac and I didn't (nor do I usually) take any benzo's or smoke any cannibiniods.

I should probably mention that it left me with a 'thirst for the erotic' also. I would indeed repeat the experience when introspection and relaxation is wanted.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91460
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 12, 2011Views: 26,751
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25D-NBOMe (541) : Alone (16), General (1)

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