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The River of Eyes
Citation:   selfassuredfrequency. "The River of Eyes: An Experience with 2C-E (exp91538)". Jun 10, 2018.

20 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  6.5 g oral Kratom (powder / crystals)
Background: Drugs have always been a part of my life, most of my family have used hard drugs, or alcohol constantly.I started researching psychoactive at about 13 or 14,I have glimpsed through some 2C-E and other 2C-x family articles but never paid to much attention to them, that is until they finally came around town this year. My friends were telling me about how great of an experience it is, and how enlightening, and that I had to try it. I was unable to get it for at least 2weeks. I finally was able to get 20mg and did it orally. My next trip, the trip I am about to write, weren't until about a week or 2 after that. I am a very spiritual person who wishes to use hallucinogens for entheogenic, psychonauting journeys. I finally got home after getting my doses, took a dose, poured it onto the night stand, and quickly snorted it.

0:00- It burns very bad, as bad as what I would think crank would feel like, or like putting synthetic salt up my nose.
0:01- I am all ready starting to feel effects, it still burns, but I am coming up quickly. A lot faster and intense then doing it orally.

*I can't exactly remember the 'T-' time ratio, so I'll just write what I remember as I go a long from here

The burn is starting to subside. The trip is already more intense then doing it orally. I am getting a strong body buzz, it is as if I can feel my body's frequency spreading out into infinite. Patterns are starting to emerge on the floors and walls. And of course, things becoming a lot more vivid.

I had pink Floyd- fat old sun playing. The music felt AMAZING. I could feel the music, and it was playing a long with my trip.
Shortly after nausea kicked in pretty bad. I walked over the trash can and puked my brains out. There was a towel curled up in the trash can on top of a lot of other random cans and trash. Near it was hay like material from my ferret cage. The towel looked like a oyster popping up. I mean it did not visually transform into an oyster, but being under the perception of 2C-E it certainly looked like it in my eyes. The hay material from the ferret cage looked like maggots, or some other creature. I have a fear of bugs such as roaches and maggots, but none-the less my trip stayed on a good road. The puke sliding down the side of the trashcan made the trashcan kind of look like a dump/disaster area, as the rest of the room looked bright and beautiful.
After my nausea finally subsided, I walked to my bed, with pink floyd- Allan psychedelic breakfast playing. I laid down cross legged and looked around the room. My door was open, and a river of not so vivid psychedelic patterns were making a river on the floor. It felt as if I were in a biu, I thought to myself this must be the hippie biu, and this is what it felt like to be in the 70s, in a symbolic way. I felt complete peace and goodness. But like I said before, my room did not visually turn into a biu, but it certainly felt like it, especially with the river of psychedelic patterns.

A few minutes later I laid down in a fetal position admiring my cat next to me. I river of psychedelic patterns, once again not extremely vivid but still pretty vivid at the same time, started to emerge on my be floating right past me. I believe fat old sun was replaying once again.

I sat there and admired the river for a little bit, but then knew I had to get up. At this point it was in the middle of some pink Floyd song off Adam heart mother, the part was like tribal chanting and singing. I closed my eyes, and started to make rapid shamanic hand movements.

Note: Almost every time I've done 2C-E I felt very tribal.

I forgot exactly what happened right after this, but I remember I had to go get the cat from outside. I thought it was a good idea to go experience outside anyway. I walked out the back door, down the wooden steps, and admired the night sky. The two cats were already at the door waiting to get in, so I had to put no effort into finding them.

Starring up into space from my backyard was amazing. The sky was clear and many stars shun. All the stars were moving, but I noticed a few orbs in the sky.

Note: Even when I am sober I can occasionally find strange orbs in the sky, or UFOs.

2 of them stuck out specifically. One of them was red, while the other was blue. They were right next to each other, seemingly facing each other as well. I could feel a great amount of energy move between each of them as they moved up and down in sequence.

After admiring the sky for an unknown amount of time, I had the urge to smoke, but had no cigarettes left. Luckily I knew that the store that is right next to my house has a ash tray right on the ice machines where the cashier always leaves half cigarettes. Also a plant pot filled with sand where customers will always throw their cigarettes. I quickly made my way to the side of the house, the roads in front of my house were empty, but on the main road diagonal from my house 2 cars zoomed by. It felt as if I was in a new world order state, and I was on a mission to get these cigarettes without being seen by any cars or caught.
Note: At this point I very much felt like I was a tribeman or a teenager in some futuristic new world order state in some sort of wild forest. Once again I DID NOT visually see a forest, me being a tribesmen, or in a new world order state. But it certainly felt like I was. So I played the part.

Anyway, right after the 2 cars zoomed by I quickly ran up the side of the road to the house. I was try and paint a picture of what my road was like

/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
- ---------------------------------------
Store --------------------------my house
My route/field

I quickly got to the store, grabbed some half cigarettes/butts and as I heard a car starting to approach in the distance I quickly ran back to my house(Probably someone just passing by)

Once I got back to my house, I ran to the back of my garage to admire the sky more. Planes were all over the sky, leaving tracers and colors. The sky was so unimaginable beautiful it was unimaginable. I lit my cigarette and smoked while watching the sky. It is impossible for me to describe what it felt like when the smoke entered my lungs, but it sure did feel amazing. I was about to text my friend who gave me the 2C-E 'The government is putting on a light show for me!' because the planes were so beautiful with their lights and tracers. But then I started bursting out laughing at the thought 'He'd probably think I'm being raided!'

I soon went back in the house where I would play out the rest of my trip. I was about 2-3 hours in and about at my peak. When snorted it usually last about 4-6 hours. As I go to walk in, one of my cats that are not allowed out jetted out. He is usually a tough one to catch. But I was able to use an 'Animal instinct' or rather primordial, to slowly scope him out on the side of my house, sneak up near him, and then jump at him, grabbing his back safely, and letting me grab him, putting him inside. He was so soft and adorable when I picked him up. I told him how cute he was, and my words sounded foreign, not a different language but just straight foreign.

Once I got inside I took my ferret out to play upstairs. I have not been giving him as much attention as I should of been, and realizing this I felt very bad for him. I played with him for what seemed like an hour, having great fun. All patterns were starting to vanish after that, and I was starting to come down. I stayed up for hours after that not being able to sleep, I just stayed on the computer and talked to a friend on the phone.

I finally decided it was time to rest and drank about 6-7 grams of kratom. It helped a lot to sleep but also gave me strong nausea, witch it only rarely does when in it's pure powder form. I eventually drifted off to sleep.

The trip help many mind fucks, good ones gladly, and was a strong mental trip as well as visual. It was not extremely visual, but the trip was still intense none the less. Although I did it orally before, when I snorted it caught me off guard on the intensity and quick come up of it. Also it burns BADLY. It is also a very enlightening experience as well. I would describe it as a mix between MDMA and LSD with it's own 'tribal and Aztecan touch' I give it two thumbs up. I loved it! I ASSUME, keyword assume, that it is not anymore nuerotoxic then other phenethylamines, but one never knows.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91538
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2018Views: 898
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