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Makes Good Tea
Citation:   belostenec. "Makes Good Tea: An Experience with Damiana (exp91573)". May 1, 2019.

3 tsp oral Damiana (dried)
The herb I received seems to be true Turnera diffusa, judging by the leaves and the seeds in the mixture.

I made the tea in exactly the same way I would make any other herbal tea: I took, in this case, 3 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and made an infusion with hot water. I covered the cup and let it be for a quarter of an hour. I didn't add anything as the tea smelled nicely and had a very pleasant yellow colour not unlike a light chamomile tea.

The taste is quite singular, although it reminded me of mountain germander (Teucrium montanum) tea and also of laurel. The effects were barely noticeable, I'd say, but seemed to be gently calming.
The effects were barely noticeable, I'd say, but seemed to be gently calming.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91573
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 1, 2019Views: 1,221
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Damiana (107) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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