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Talking My Face Off
Citation:   scott. "Talking My Face Off: An Experience with Naphyrone (exp91617)". Jul 21, 2011.

50 mg oral Napthylpyrovalerone (liquid)
I Have experience with lsd, psilocybin, ecstasy, mephedrone, benzo's, opiates and a few others. Found this to be the most potent stimulant I have tried, but still a worthwhile drug. I consumed 50 mg by swallowing and had effects lasting for ten hours.

00:00 received it in the mail, mixed 50 milligrams in water and swallowed.

+45 Begin to feel the full effects but still coming up. No longer tired, walking around and talking

+2 Talking to strangers, telling all my friends how great they are, love meeting new people and striking up random conversations. slight euphoria but more of a stimulant

04:00 Moving around constantly, drinking lots of water due to dry mouth, want to do something exciting or dangerous, feels like i am still coming up and wonder how high I am going to get.

06:00 still feel the effects and still talking my face off.

09:00 now just feel wired and unable to sleep. cant really get myself to do anything, but fall asleep in the next hour after laying down

Overall I found this to be a very fun compound and made for a very fun night with not a lot even going on. I was very focused in all my conversations and could even make very intelligent discussions. I have never felt the need to talk or make new friends like this before and even felt like I was capable of anything. If used under small dosages with no redose this can be fun, even with a little bit of a prolonged comedown. Also, I had a lot of jaw grinding and loss of appetite.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 91617
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jul 21, 2011Views: 12,814
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Napthylpyrovalerone (508) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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