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1st Time Nightmare With a Wonderful Twist
Morning Glory & Tryptophan - 5HTP
Citation:   Mental Confusion. "1st Time Nightmare With a Wonderful Twist: An Experience with Morning Glory & Tryptophan - 5HTP (exp9167)". Mar 26, 2002.

T+ 0:00
245 seeds oral Morning Glory
  T+ 3:00 15 tablets oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP
BODY WEIGHT: 10.5 kg
I opened 3 packets of morning glory seeds and steadily ate them. I then waited about 15minuites until I met my girlfriend. We walked through town stopping at a coffee shop on the way home. I was very excited about what I was going to experience. I am quite experienced with psychedelics so I wasn’t at all scared about the experience being too overwhelming. I have been taking ecstasy for 3 years, pot for 5 and have tried mushrooms, LSD and salvia a few times- all of which I handle very well (with the exception of salvia a couple of times).

A few sips into my coffee I began to feel sick and was very worried that id vomit all over the table. I managed to hold it down but the sickness continued until I ate a couple of packets of crisps, which made me feel a lot better. Apart from the sickness nothing else was really happening. 25 minutes later I returned home. I was very disappointed with the seeds so I took 2 more packets (245 in total) and sat on my girlfriend’s bed. She looked into my eyes and told me they were dilated- I jumped up with disbelief and looked into the mirror. They were HUGE! That’s it I thought- now I’m gonna start some proper trippin…

I walked around my house and it felt as if I was coming up on mushrooms (the exact feeling as ‘philosophers stones’) my body felt heavy and floppy, and at this point I was enjoying myself tremendously and couldn’t wait for the full effects to kick in. I didn’t hallucinate but my vision seemed a little more hazy than usual. I wanted to go to a nightclub but my girlfriend wanted to stay in and watch TV.

I tried to pursue her to go out for about half an hour but she refused… so I sat... and sat... and sat: DESPARATLY WANTING TO DO SOMETHING. As I was sat I suddenly started to feel more and more anxious and then quite scared that I would be stuck with this anxiety for the next 5 hours. I couldn’t settle down. I HAD TO DO SOMETHING, but there was nothing to do. I desperately wanted the drug to end (approximately 3 hours after ingestion). I had never felt so anxious on any other drug in my life- and since the seeds weren’t very good anyway I started to wish that id never taken them (I expected at lot of visuals).

I decided to take a large amount of 5HTP (15 capsules within about 20 mins). This completely transformed the experience. My anxiety COMPLETELY disappeard. I felt exactly as I do on a fairly strong E... I LOVED IT! I spent the night mostly sitting in the same chair having the best time of my life. I wanted the experience never to end. I swore id never touch the morning glory seeds again… I probably will, but not without some 5HTP.

My advice for a first time user taking the seeds is don’t expect too much and make sure you have something to do.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9167
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 26, 2002Views: 13,618
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5)

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