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Citation:   jaggerjack. "Jellyfish: An Experience with DOC (exp91675)". Jun 7, 2020.

2 mg oral DOC (liquid)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I had a day off of work to take a DOC with my cousin W. It was a scorcher and we weren’t exactly sure what we were going to do while on it but we were both pretty pumped. I had made a solution of 2 mg/ mL DOC HCl in vodka a few days before by putting my 18 mg sample in 9 mL vodka. I got a free 1 mL oral syringe and am using a 15 mL centrifuge tube with graduations on it for storage.

What I did was put 3 mL vodka in the tube after weighing the bag with the DOC in it. After that I stuck the entire bag (open) in the vodka and shook it up until all of the DOC was liberated from the bag, I then dried it out and weighed it confirm that the weight was indeed 18 mg (18.6 in fact) and brought the total volume up to 9.3 mL. I also dyed the vodka blue so everyone realizes it probably isn't just water.

I have had a few experiences with phens before this. One with 2C-I at 17 mg which kept me up for an extremely long time, one with 2C-C at 55 mg which was great and about a month before this one, and one with bk-MDMA at 178 mg which was one week before this. I didn’t do any allergy tests for this as I had heard good things and the purple tint of my sample gave the identity away (in my opinion allergy tests aren’t done to check for allergies, they’re done to check to make sure I didn’t get Bromo-Dragonfly or something else in a possibly fatal mix-up).

So I dropped 2 mg and my cousin did 3 mg at around 10.30 in the morning. We took our doses and diluted them with water so that the vodka and DOC couldn’t be tasted. Immediately after that we went for a quick drive to return The Fountain and Baraka to a movie store before we started feeling it. I had to do some more errands around the house and W helped me move some stuff and clean my room. After around 45 minutes I started feeling some jitters, stomach anxiety, and generally awkward come up stimulation. I was zoning out to some music for a little while longer before we went outside. It was clear I was beginning to trip at this point, things began gently breathing and waving my hand quickly produced some strong tracers.

W told me he was going to get some water before we smoked a bit and I nonchalantly let him know that I was going to throw up. I wasn’t even nauseous; I just needed to throw up. It wasn’t a particularly embarrassing or disgusting experience; I simply threw up an apple I had eaten earlier in the day. After that we smoked and I felt much better, overwhelmingly positive I would say. It was clear that throwing up made me feel better. We decided what exactly we were going to do for the day. W wanted to head down to the Shedd Aquarium and I, while mildly apprehensive about being in public and not even peaking yet, agreed that it would be tons of fun.

I called my parents at work and asked them the best way to get downtown by train, they weren’t particularly helpful but I wasn’t being all that clear. We decided to just go for it and walked down to the train station with a positive outlook for the day. The train was fine and enjoyable, although while listening to music I became pretty completely engrossed and not at all talkative. Watching people on the train was also pretty interesting and I felt as if I was in some sort of Hunter S Thompson freak show, everyone just looked so peculiar and odd.

After getting off the train we had a short walk to the aquarium. We stopped in a park to smoke another bowl, something that made me at least a bit paranoid. I mean for goodness sakes, we weren’t in California, where W was from, most people don’t usually smoke a bowl in broad daylight in Chicago. However that went without a hitch and we made it inside.

I stood inside the majestic aquarium for a few minutes, getting myself acquainted with the moist air, the fishy smell, and the scores of people. I was obviously a bit frazzled as this was my first time tripping in public but I held myself together. At this point I was seeing tracers of everything, even people moving quickly. I managed to pay for my entry and W and I went in to look at some fish. Fish are pretty cool already and they were even better on DOC. Brightly colored fish zoomed by leaving pleasant after images, the big fish just looked amusing.

What I didn’t like about this experience was all of the other people. I sometimes found it hard to tell if people were looking at me or trying to move around me. At one time I pointed out something to someone who clearly wasn’t trying to communicate to me. Additionally there are lots of loud kids who aren’t being controlled by parents at places like these. They bugged me a lot. At some points the intensity of the entire experience was mildly overwhelming but as long as I was with W I felt fine.

We meandered our way through the aquarium for a few hours. The highlight was clearly the jellyfish. Jellyfish our pretty sweet creatures, they look magical, they move in an exciting way, and they are tranquil. I wish the jellyfish exhibit was much larger than it was. I was mesmerized by these slow moving creatures, there translucent colors and glowing rays really made for a surreal experience.

Again a note on what bothered me about the people there. Seeing parents yelling at kids were excruciatingly sad, it disheartened me about society in general. For goodness sakes, the kids were enjoying this incredibly special occasion and the parents were ragging on them for walking too fast. I was forced to walk away from things like this as it really made me uncomfortable to be around. And the Shedd was much commercialized since I had last been there; it made me feel as if part of my childhood was disappearing.

Surprisingly I wasn’t particularly bothered by all of the trapped animals, only the dolphins and sea otters really moved me. Most of them seemed very well taken care of and I know that the Shedd rescues injured animals so I felt at ease with what they were doing.

For this trip I texted some, it was a bit of a silly thing to do for one reason in particular. I didn’t say anything really weird but I was incredibly worried when I didn’t receive a quick text in response. I was texting my best friend and a girl I just began dating recently and I was freaking the fuck out thinking they were angry at me because they didn’t like my texts. This obviously wasn’t true and irrational but it was a big worry of mine.

W and I left the aquarium around closing time at 6 PM, nearly 8 hours after dosing. At this point we were both still feeling it some, I was certainly seeing tracers and while listening to music on the train ride home I zoned out again. We got back to my hometown ate some food, smoked some more, and waited to meet my friends P and A. When making plans I was completely fine talking on the phone, I even gave my mom a call to let her know that I would still be out for a while. The weed definitely brought the trip back some.

So P and A picked us up and we drove to a tattoo parlor to get A’s earring fixed (she had her tragus pierced and couldn’t get the earring out). It was an odd experience but being in the car was fine and talking to them about our day was tons of fun. After that we went back to my house to smoke some more in the backyard. Again this brought the trip back some, I was still seeing tracers pretty strongly although not that much was moving around at this point. It began to rain and we went inside to play a board game.

At some point around when we came inside I became very unintelligible. I knew what I was trying to say but just couldn’t manage to say it. I would try to ask my friends what board game they wanted to play for nearly two minutes straight and not be able to cohesively say anything during that time. I knew I didn’t make sense so I told my friends I would be right back and took a quick breather. I though of the exact sentence I was going to say, came back into the room and said it. We decided on Scattergories, a word game that I was hideous at.

The power went out and I tried to find some candles. For some reason I made the conscious decision to do this without a flashlight. As I walked towards where the candles are kept I realized that it was a poor decision and returned to my friends to retrieve a flashlight. Most of the night was me saying stupid things and making silly decisions. A’s earring fell out and she couldn’t get it back in so we tried to help her for a long period of time. It was pretty gross and it was getting hot because there was no AC. After a while I kicked everyone out and went to bed. Or tried to.

The AC in my room wasn’t working and I was burning up. I started hearing very vivid thought conversations not unlike the tail end of my 2C-I trip. I was tired but couldn’t power through the voices in my head to actually get asleep. I wasn’t particularly bothered by this as I had dealt with something of the sort before. Around 3 or 4 in the morning I would say I was no longer tripping but I was still feeling a bit off. At around 6.30 I fell asleep and I woke up at 8 to go to work. I had a very pleasant body buzz that felt like I was floating in a warm tingly substance. Music still sounded pretty great and I had normal speech patterns. Work went off without a hitch and I was able to drive fine. I came home afterwards, took a nap, and felt dandy.

This trip was pretty enjoyable. Even the throwing up, which is something I usually hate, wasn’t bad. It lasted pretty long for me but unlike the 2C-I I took (which lasted similarly long) I wasn’t dreaming for it to end after T+10. Tripping in public for the first time was understandably intense but very enjoyable. This drug wasn’t particularly deep but was certainly more so than 2C-I or 2C-C. On the note of 2C-C, this produced considerable cross tolerance with 2C-C. I took 55 mg three days later at a rave and didn’t trip. I had very slight visual alteration and dilated pupils. That was it. Bottom line is that if I have access to DOC I rarely see myself ever taking 2C-I. They are both decently shallow, long, and stimulating. The only reason I could see taking 2C-I now was if I was really going for visuals as 2C-I exceeds DOC in the visuals to trippiness regard.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91675
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 7, 2020Views: 1,118
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