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Whatever Doesn't Kill You Only Gets You Higher
Products - 'Bath Salts'
by LRG
Citation:   LRG. "Whatever Doesn't Kill You Only Gets You Higher: An Experience with Products - 'Bath Salts' (exp91738)". Aug 11, 2011.

T+ 0:00
1 bump insufflated Products - Bath Salts, Plant Food, etc (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30 1 bump insufflated Products - Bath Salts, Plant Food, etc (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:20 1 bump insufflated Products - Bath Salts, Plant Food, etc (powder / crystals)
Unfortunately I cannot list exact dosage for I do not have a scale. I've insufflated 'bath salts' for only a week now and from my usage I don't regret a single result. I'm perfectly healthy and have taken all kinds of uppers in low and high doses and I'd say this is personally my favorite.

From the day I've heard of bath salts I did research on it online. The only thing I learned from opinions was that it was better than blow, meth, MDMA, and is quickly addictive. I thought I would give it a try seeing as it isn't banned in my state and was easy to acquire.

I went to a smoke shop with a buddy (call him 'A') and purchased 500mg of bath salts. We went to another friend ('B') of ours and walked into his house but he wasn't there, it's nothing out of the ordinary to chill at his house when B is not home but we decided to just skate around our neighborhood but before we do we take a key bump each. For any new drug I am cautious and take a small amounts. I do not take uppers often and my tolerance for any upper is low at this point.

We walked outside and got our boards from my car, the second i got on my board I feel the usual come up of an upper. I feel a good vibe skating and determined to learn new tricks. Cottonmouth came quick but I had a bottle of water to diminish it a bit.
15 minutes later I became more talkative but also more of a listener because I felt empathetic and open minded to the conversation I had with my friend A.

30-60 minutes my girlfriend calls and starts complaining because I haven't talked to her all day. Usually I would ignore her or we would argue for a long time but I calmly talked to her and made her happy by the end of our short conversation. I felt amazed at how I handled the conversation. How I handled it probably explains the later part of this report because I could of just ignored her and she would of never came over.

1h30m We went back to my car that was parked at B's house and B showed up at the same time. We went inside for a bit. I felt it wearing off so I went to the bathroom to take another key bump. The effects picked back up and I noticed my jaw was a bit soar from clenching and I noticed I was lip smacking. I was able to prevent it most of the time through the rest of the day.

2h My friend A and I leave B's house to go to mine and have a jam session. One acoustic one electric guitar. We started making a song and ideas were racing through my mind of things we could add to the song. It wasn't hard to concentrate on one thing for a long period of time during this part of the experience.

2h20m My friend A asks for another key bump and I decided to take another one also. We continued to play but the ideas were slowly fading till the point where I couldn't play anymore. My mind wasn't letting me play. I had to stop but my friend A continued to play some things he wrote before while I listened. I noticed my hands were somewhat cold and sweaty.

3h my friend A leaves and my girlfriend comes over. I easily ate some soup so there was no loss of appetite. Right now the effects are talkative, lipsmacking, empathy, and a feel good happy mood. We started a movie and started banging for a good hour only because she was done. I can't say it was solely the bath salts that increased my sexual mood because she has big tits and I'm a sucker for them.

6h I take her home and head over to my cousins. It was wearing off to the point of complete soberness. He had a keg and people over that I also knew. I played beerpong and caught a good buzz.

9h Still drinking but no sign of mdpv effects. The night goes on but no continue use of bath salt.

For the next 7 days I continued to do bumps and small lines of bath salts and only had positive results. No crashing, irregular heart beats, paranoia, or bad side effects. A common mistake I hear is that people re-dose trying to get the same effects as the first dose and over due it. I am capable of ignoring the want to do more. I have no urge to keep doing more and more. I simply like taking a small dose every now and then. My boss tells me I have been doing really good at work and my girlfriend says shes completely happy with me because i've been nothing but nice, understanding and happy. I also do more productive things when I use bath salts. I use small doses for a comfortable enjoyable high.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91738
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Aug 11, 2011Views: 13,127
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Products - Bath Salts, Plant Food, etc (521) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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