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One of the Scariest Nights Have Had
Inhalants (Gasoline)
by DJ
Citation:   DJ. "One of the Scariest Nights Have Had: An Experience with Inhalants (Gasoline) (exp91771)". Sep 12, 2011.

  inhaled Inhalants
[Erowid Note: Our understanding of the literature is that there is no such thing as safe recreational use of volatile solvents, aerosols and other street inhalants : their psychoactive effects are inseparable from nerve and organ damage. We have chosen to include these reports to help document the real world use of inhalants, but their inclusion is not intended to imply that they are anything but dangerous.]

It all started with weed one night I was out of weed and I wanted to get high so I got the gas can and started huffing I did this all night and the next day at about 10:30 I huffed for about 20 minutes I was started to see what looked like little dots of color everywhere and my body was dumb it started to get hard to breath I stopped huffing and went in side and listened to some music but then I felt like a was dieing its hard to explain the feeling I was having. As I sat there it felt like I was going to stop breathing I was so scared I layed down to try to go to sleep but I was afraid I was going to stop breathing in my sleep. I had to sit there and deal with the feeling until it wore off.

That night was one of the scariest nights I have had, huffing gas is very bad and this is what showed me how bad it really is. Please do not huff gas no one have to go through what happened to me that night. It all started with weed one night I was out of weed and I wanted to get high so I got the gas can and started huffing I did this all night and the next day at about 10:30 I huffed for about 20 minutes I was started to see what looked like little dots of color everywhere and my body was dumb it started to get hard to breath I stopped huffing and went in side and listened to some music but then I felt like a was dieing its hard to explain the feeling I was having. As I sat there it felt like I was going to stop breathing I was so scared I layed down to try to go to sleep but I was afraid I was going to stop breathing in my sleep. I had to sit there and deal with the feeling until it wore off.

That night was one of the scariest nights I have had, huffing gas is very bad and this is what showed me how bad it really is. Please do not huff gas no one have to go through what happened to me that night.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91771
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: Sep 12, 2011Views: 7,466
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Inhalants (29) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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