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A Day At The Beach
Citation:   kArMa SoNg. "A Day At The Beach: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp91889)". Sep 12, 2019.

2 g oral Mushrooms
  30 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem
  200 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine
At 2:15pm, I ingested 2 grams of very strong magic mushrooms. I was sitting on a hot, crowded beach in Atlantic City, NJ. I went into the ocean to cool off a couple of times and then went up to the boardwalk to buy cheese fries. While I was eating, I started to feel very relaxed. I couldn't finish the fries.

The sand looked like it was starting to move. Eventually, the people on the beach started to look like cardboard cutouts. I dared to go in the ocean again. When I was standing in the ocean, the water looked like it was stretching and I felt very disoriented. I walked back to my towel and laid down, but I didn't feel relieved.

It was so hot and I felt like I was suffocating. All I wanted to do was go home. I left the beach at 4pm and looked for someplace that might have air conditioning to go into. After more disorientation, I ended up in the Bally's casino. The sounds and lights from the slot machines were too much to bear, so I went back onto the boardwalk. I continued to walk for what felt like forever, and the casino buildings looked bigger than life. I found an outdoor shower and showered the sand off of myself.

After walking down onto the street, I continued walking until I reached a Ruby Tuesday's. It seemed like it took them forever to bring water to the table. I thought it would feel cooler in the restaurant, but I still felt warm. I knew if I left the restaurant it would feel ten times hotter outside, but all I could think about was bolting out of there and getting to Atlantic Avenue to catch the 507 bus that would take me home.

After bolting, I sat on a corner bench for a very long time, but I couldn't focus enough to read the bus schedule, so I just sat there forever. Finally, I got up and started to walk south. Everything I was seeing was shaky. Every time I tried to relax, things became more distorted, pixelated. When I strained to concentrate, I could only focus for a moment.

It seemed like a miracle when the 507 finally pulled up to the curb. Once the bus was on its way, I looked out the window at the marsh, the pine trees. The marsh looked like it was moving, just like the sand was. The trees looked like cardboard cutouts. I felt like I could see passing buildings before actually passing them, kind of like stop motion. When I looked at my hands, they looked distorted, like a pixelated image.

I began to fear that my mind might stay stuck in the trip or that I might need to be committed and given Haldol (an antipsychotic drug) to come out of it. The bus passed by my grandparents' old house, which looked like a cardboard cutout. Soon, the bus reached my stop.

I was still disoriented when I walked the block and a half to my house. I got inside to find my brother visiting. No one seemed to notice anything was wrong with me.
No one seemed to notice anything was wrong with me.
I was mostly worried about my mother. The dogs seemed to be looking at me funny, but I was really happy to see them. I went upstairs, took 30mg Ambien and 200mg of Seroquel to help me pass out. I wanted to go to sleep, wake up, and for everything to look normal again.

I jumped in the shower, but my vision was so distorted I thought I kept seeing dirt on me. I tried not to let that deceive me. The fabric on the wet, blue rag kept moving around like stop motion worms. I got out, got dressed, and went downstairs. Things were continuing to look pixelated, but I got myself a bowl of fruit and sat down with my mom and my brother. When I looked at the dogs, it looked like their fur was moving around. I ate an entire box of candy cakes and went up to bed.

I slept for 16 hours and woke up completely normal, just very groggy.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91889
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 37
Published: Sep 12, 2019Views: 833
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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