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Odd Reaction
Citation:   JustAlex. "Odd Reaction: An Experience with AMT (exp91929)". Jul 15, 2011.

25 mg oral AMT
BODY WEIGHT: 44.45 kg
This is about a friend of mine (Em) who had an extremely odd trip following the consumption of aMT. I can only give you my observations as she can't remember much and refuses to talk about the rest.

I was at a campout in a friend's garden, in a huge tent big enough to sleep 30 people. I arrived and immediately swallowed 25mg of aMT myself, as did my friend Jack. We were extremely enjoying the party due to the euphoric feelings produced by the aMT, feelings of great appreciation (not quite love) but I definately appreciated things I wouldn't even take notice of or usually wouldn't like.

5 hours after taking it, we decided to take a walk down to the beach, it was dark by this point so we decided to skinny dip, the aMT made me feel extremely brave and so I ran down the beach entirely naked and dived into the ice cold north sea, my friends soon followed, however Em and a couple others sat on the beach and talked, she hadn't taken anything at this point.

2 hours later we were back at the house warming up inside, it was midnight by this point and I was just at my climax, Em could see that me and Jack were having an amazing time and since she had never heard of it, nor had any of my other friends she was interested in trying some, so she took 25mg, then we went to sit in the tent and just talk for a while. She was looking forward to it, eagerly anticipating the effects.

An hour had passed and we hadn't heard Em talk for a while so I asked her how she was. No response.
She stared straight past me blankly, as though she had seen a ghost. We continued to try to get a response from her... nothing.
I looked at her eyes, her pupils were massive.
I checked her heart rate, 120bpm and irregular.
I checked she was breathing.
I asked her if she was okay, I reminded her that she had consumed a drug and everything she was experiencing which may seem odd, was an effect of the drug. I tried my hardest to calm her. She was shivering so I wrapped her in a blanket. She looked as though she wanted to speak but couldn't. We asked if she wanted anything to eat or drink. As a smoker someone offered her a cigarette and she seemed to like the thought of that and opened her mouth. She then smoked the cigarette while someone else held it for her. The hilarious thing was she blew smoke rings, at least she was showing some signs of consciousness.

We decided it would be best not to crowd her, but to have someone make sure she was okay.

2 hours passed and we were sitting talking, then all of a sudden we heard a groan from Em, much like that of a girl orgasming. Another groan and a hip thrust, she was trying to move. A slight giggle and wriggle suddenly turned into a laughing fit. She was throwing herself about the tent while laying on the floor, crying with laughter at something. It was extremely unexpected since she had sat in silence for hours. Her laughing fit lasted 5 hours, and she eventually died down a bit, she seemed to lose feeling in her hand and feet, and when asked if she could move her hands, she moved her feet, and when asked if she could move her feet, she moved her hands. She seemed confused when I told her she didn't move the right body part. She still refused to speak.

Soon later she fell asleep, woke up about an hour later, looked at everyone confused, she had her voice back momentarily and asked why everyone was looking at her. She looked at her hands and moved them and was confused even more, we began to explain what had happened to her, I showed her a video of herself and she didn't believe it was her, she thought she had been asleep all night, she didn't even remember that she had taken a drug. Soon after she seemed to fall back into it, she stopped talking and she lost the feeling in her hands and feet again. We took her inside to warm up and calm down a bit, but since aMT lasts so long, she had a while to go.

In the morning she began to speak a little bit, like small words, she asked for fruit, we brought her cherries and grapes, and fed them to her. She seemed to enjoy this a lot. She says that she could still feel the effects of the aMT a few days after taking it. I believe she has HPPD (Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder), she claims that her perception of the world around her has still not returned to normal after a month and was asking me for help with it. I suggested that taking diazepam would be a good course of action, otherwise she should just wait for it to return to normal itself.

I find the video of her hilarious to watch but it was 100 times better in person.

Despite her odd reaction to it she wants to try it again.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91929
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jul 15, 2011Views: 6,780
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