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A Trip To Hell
Citation:   mlanon.. "A Trip To Hell: An Experience with AM-2201 (exp91933)". Jul 19, 2011.

  smoked AM-2201 (powder / crystals)
    smoked Damiana (dried)
We will refer to the people in this report as follows:

Me = Male, 135 Ib, 18 yrs.
B= Friend 1 (Male, 130 Ib, 16 yrs.)
C= Friend 2 (Male, 225 Ib, 16 yrs.)
D= Friend 3 (Male, About 270 Ib, 18 yrs.)

I had acquired an unknown amount of AM-2201 powder from a source that will not be mentioned. I arrived at the residence of B, D, and E. We went swimming, and went on with events as they usually would. I mentioned to B (who is previously experienced with smoking synthetic cannabinoid mixtures) that I had an unknown amount of AM-2201. We decided that we would all split a joint of damiana/AM-2201. I put about .4 grams of damiana in the rolling paper, then sprinkled a nickel-sized amount of the powder throughout the mix. The joint was then rolled tightly and lit.

:30 - I began to feel a wave of calmness and lethargy sweep through my body.
1:00 - C. feels very heavy and lethargic, to the point where it is difficult to move.
3:00 - So far me, C, and D are feeling quite high, and notice little adverse effects. Nevertheless, it was quite intense.
3:30 - B. enters and takes a few large hits from the joint, and then leaves to go on his computer.
5:00 - The joint has been finished and C, D, and I were enjoying the effects, which were astounding. It was comparable to a frightening dose of dank cannabis, and some anomolous psychedelic.
7:00 - C. feels sick from the effects. He describes them as nausea, terror, and tripping. D. goes inside to get C. water, and is shocked to find B. sitting facedown in his chair. His symptoms were those of a mild seizure, and being completely incoherent. He began to vomit and dry heave as D. laid him on the floor. By this time B, C, D, and E are in a state of complete hysteria as to what was going on. I can still hear them screaming.

10:00 - 911 has been called, and B. is sitting up. He is still very incoherent and sick. Everybody is frantic and distraught.
15:00 - Paramedics and police arrive. Everybody is questioned, and B. is sent to the hospital in an ambulance.

Later that night, B. is back home and is safe. He later described his experience as a scene from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, however he remembered little to none. We all were deeply disturbed and horrified that this happened to us, and we will never be the same. A few of us had a feeling that something really bad would happen in months beforehand. (Deja-vu, premonitions in dreams, etc.) This is something that I will never again relive. If you are going to use this drug, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A MG SCALE. If you dose too high, quite frankly, your fucked.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91933
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 19, 2011Views: 14,868
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AM-2201 (529), Conferences (361) : Second Hand Report (42), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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