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Robot Trip
by Bob
Citation:   Bob. "Robot Trip: An Experience with DXM (exp9194)". Nov 10, 2020.

325 mg oral DXM (liquid)
Well I am writing this about my experience I had on dxm. It was Saturday night at about 11pm and I had been researching about this drug for awhile now and decided to try it out. So I drank the whole bottle which seemed to take forever (about 30 min.) and waited for it to kick in. I was on my computer at the time playing an online game and chatting to some people that I did not even know but felt like they were my best friends for some odd reason.

Around 12:30 it really started to kick in for me, I noticed that I felt like I was drunk and then some when I would look away from the computer screen or to look down at the keyboard it almost look like everything was a slideshow, and it seemed like the only thing I could somewhat focus on was my comp screen so I tried to not look away from it because the visuals were almost unpleasant feeling. I remember talking to myself and saying 'Oh shit I'm really fucked up' and then realising that I had just said that pretty damn loud and hoped that my parents didn't hear it.

Well I continued to play the game because I felt almost glued to the seat and couldn't take my eyes off the screen, I could barely type and the people playing with me just thought I was drunk, and said that they were too so I just played along with that. Around 2pm it REALLY started to hit me, I didn't think it could get any worse but it did, visuals were really like a slide show and kinda blurry until I focused in on them and I noticed kind of a wavy effect at the things I looked at. I had the radio on in the background on a station that was playing from a club and had some techno music on it and I felt connected to the music and it sounded different from what it usually sounded like.

I remember my dog ran into the room so I got up and hadn't really walked around yet and said to myself 'Whoa!' I almost fell over and I felt like I was trying to walk on a boat being tossed around during a storm. I talked to my dog and my voice sounded like a robot, it sounded alien like and scared me, but I kinda liked it at the same time.I decided to sit back down in the chair because I could not walk and that was the only place I felt okay at, so I continued to try and play the game and type which probably to other people I looked crazy.

Around 3am I decided it was time for me to go to bed, because I was getting sick of the way I felt and wanted to be normal again. I remember thinking to myself what if this is how I am going to be forever, what if I really fucked myself up now? I got up out of the chair and some how managed to turn everything off, I walked into the living room and heard a loud buzzing noise... I thought I was going deaf and kinda freaked out but then realized it was the TV. So I turned everything in what seemed to be almost robotic like and crawled into bed. I also forgot to add that I felt a numbness in my mouth and my lips and was unpleasant feeling.

Anyways I was laying in my bed and and thought to myself how did I get here and how did I turn everything off? At this time I just wanted it to end and made myself go to sleep. I don't remember what I dreamed but I bet it was pretty fucked up, when I woke up around 10am my pillow was on the ground and my sheets were all messed up, so I went to get up and was like oh shit it still is effecting me?? I had never done anything that had lasted that long! So I went back to bed until 3pm and woke up and it STILL was effecting me I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom like a robot still but I can think somewhat clearly now and it is not nearly as bad.

It is now 4:30 as I type this and it is still effecting me and I just hope it did not do anything permanent to me hehe. Well I don't think I well be doing that again and it was pretty unpleasant, I'm going to stick to shrooms and beer because this stuff really messes with ya.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9194
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2020Views: 1,444
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DXM (22) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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