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Drunky Fun Time
Citation:   Wisdomtroll. "Drunky Fun Time: An Experience with Ketamine (exp91959)". Feb 19, 2018.

  oral Ketamine (liquid)
This is a first time report. I've done LSD, 3 2c's, shrooms, DMT, Mescaline, hard drugs, cannabis, booze and once I got pretty stoned from nutmeg (which is weird).

Okay so a guy who brought the K mixed it with water as an oral dose by my body weight. Said I was '40%-60%' in the K-Hole. He squirted the K juice in my mouth through the bathroom door, which is weird. It tastes bad but not all that bad and one can wash one's mouth out after one swallows it.

@T=0:00 I let the juice sit in my mouth at it seemed to absorb through my gums because all of the sudden I felt like I downed 2-3 drinks. Also, a very mild visual spinning effect like from being drunk except it seemed hallucinatory and not related to equilibrium.

@T=0:20 I began to feel like I drank about 10 beers, plus closed eye visuals of stupid and unenlightening bullshit.

@T=0:35 I'm completely retarded from K. by retarded I mean slowed down. I behave boorishly and for some reason feel like a robot. The closed eye visuals were like something from a lava lamp and open eye hallucinations non existent.just feel drunk. Drunk off my ass for a couple of hours and then I had a headache.

@T=2:00 I come down and I have a headache.

All the next day I was easily agitated and felt a little fried. like a night of drinking. so, if one wants to get blasted from one shot of some chemically tasting booze then choose KAY. But it certainly doesn't fall in to the category of a mind bending, folded legs in a celestial mind plain of whirling joy and empathy (DMT,LSD) sort of psychedelic, but more of a mildly visual, VERY tranquilizing, fun drug. and it was a lot of fun.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91959
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Feb 19, 2018Views: 1,147
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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