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Legal Relaxation
Catnip & Diphenhydramine
Citation:   feelgood. "Legal Relaxation: An Experience with Catnip & Diphenhydramine (exp92186)". Feb 7, 2016.

T+ 0:00
  vaporized Catnip
  T+ 0:05 50 mg oral Diphenhydramine
Background: I don't take any medication or supplements, I'm in a pretty good mood and haven't done any drugs in the last couple days. I usually smoke alot of weed and have used alcohol and adderall multiple times.

T+0:00 Me and my friend, let's call him X, decide to smoke some catnip. We fill my glass vape with  around 2 grams of catnip bud. It's a little bit mellowing and relaxing, and gives a slight head high; similar to the end of a weed high, albeit not nearly as strong. Laying down and closing eyes makes me feel like I'm spinning.

T+0:05 Wanting to stengthen and lengthen the weak high, me and X decide to take a small non delirious dose of DPH; 50mg each. We pop them and go to lay on my couch and watch tv.

T+0:15 The catnip is wearing off, but my stomach feels a little upset. 

T+0:20 A warm feeling fills me up, it's quite enjoyable. I feel stoned and it's slightly hard to walk; like being slightly drunk but more relaxing and less harsh.

T+0:45 Effects are mostly gone, fading away gently. I feel tired. X didnt feel much probably because he weighs alot more then me. I eat a relatively small dinner and my stomach feels fine.

T+2:15 We go to the movies, I only feel tired now. Me and X pop another 75mgs. And wait for it to kick in.

T+2:35 Damn I'm real relaxed, it's dream-like. Stomach is slightly upset again. Similar to before but significantly stronger. Very tired.

T+4:35 Coming down now. Tired but dont mind it, enjoyed the experience it was nice not to strong, it was a calm relaxed sedatition. Similar to weed but more calming to the mind; very warm and fuzzy. I think a dose of 125mg at one time would be good for achieving a relaxed state. 

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 92186
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 7, 2016Views: 1,242
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Catnip (68), Diphenhydramine (109) : Combinations (3), Various (28)

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