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Losing Reality - Feeling Alone
2C-D & 2C-I
Citation:   Justin Cahse. "Losing Reality - Feeling Alone: An Experience with 2C-D & 2C-I (exp92217)". Jan 10, 2018.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  1 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  10 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  30 mg oral 2C-D (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Throughout my childhood I had one friend that was with me the first time I drank, smoked weed, and ate shrooms so I trusted him when it came to drugs. He had currently moved to San Francisco and would always talk to me about doing acid and 2cb, 2ce etc. So I decided to go down and visit him for a couple days.

So I arranged the trip with my other friend and we headed down once we had enough money. My friend and I were constantly smoking on the way down so by the time I got there I was already pretty high. So we got there, went to the club, ate an edible, and went skating. As I was skating I could tell how high I was getting because I was slowly losing coordination, which is weird because that usually never happens to me.

Once we were done we decided to go back to his apartment and chill there while we were waiting for his friend to bring some drugs. At about 11 at night this guy finally came with various different powders from the 2c family. I was down to trip because I was getting bored so I just trusted this guy to give me the right dosage of 2cd and 2ci. As he was measuring it out my good friend said “that’s a little much” and he just responded “well he’s a big kid” This sparked a little bit of paranoia in me but I still didn’t hesitate to lick the powder off the scale. It was extremely bitter but it was a lot easier to choke down than shrooms. My two other friends preceded by taking close to the same amount.

At around 1130 we smoked more and I couldn’t tell if I was starting to trip or I was just really high. I had the occasional giggle and my body started feeling good but it was nothing too serious.

At 12 my friends roommates who I didn’t know barged and the room and started talking to us. I noticed that it became extremely difficult to maintain the conversation and my thoughts were starting to race through my head. One of the roommates started talking to me all of a sudden colors became vibrant and the worst tracers I have ever experienced. I looked at my friend’s roommate and it looked as if he had multiple heads. I tried to snap myself out of it but my visions stayed the same

At about 1230 I was fully into my trip. At this peak two other unknown people walked in and an eerie energy came over me. All of a sudden I looked around and nothing I saw was familiar to me. The apartment I was in was dirty, dark, and had a funky smell that made me nauseous, my friends began to feel distant and unknown, and I was incredibly terrified of the nameless people in the room.
The apartment I was in was dirty, dark, and had a funky smell that made me nauseous, my friends began to feel distant and unknown, and I was incredibly terrified of the nameless people in the room.
I slowly began to slip into my own world in which nothing mattered and my thoughts were scrambled and racing. I slouched in the couch and my senses became overly sensitive. I couldn’t get comfortable no matter what I did. It felt as if my brain was exploding with colors and everything I looked at was distorting and exploding with color.

At 1 I began to freak out. I had stared at the wall for what felt like two hours but was only ten minutes. The conversations going on around me were muffled and seemed as it was in a different language. I had the biggest urge to tell all the people in the room to leave and I was disgusted by the snobby smartass guest that was sitting next to me. I then slipped into my own world. Things happening around me seemed unreal and insignificant and I had lost a grip on reality. I began to think that my whole life was just one big dream and none of my possessions or friends had any value. This loss of reality made me frantic
I began to think that my whole life was just one big dream and none of my possessions or friends had any value. This loss of reality made me frantic
to the point where I HAD to find something that I knew was real and familiar so I zoned in on the music. It was a song I knew and I was so happy that I had one thing to be familiar with. But as the song continued the tempo began to change, and the song sounded like it was playing backwards which made this creepy devilish like sound. At this point I felt as if I would never come back to reality. I frantically began to think of my family for comfort. I thought of my parents and sisters but I had forgotten what they looked like and even questioned the fact that I was even their brother. I turned to the conversation to get a grasp of reality. I would say a comment every now and then to seem normal but I realized I was making a fool of myself so I stopped.

At 230 I had completely given up on life. Nothing mattered. There was no such thing as reality and I felt extremely lonely. I was over stimulated and it was too much to take in. I thought it was the end and I began to accept my death when all of a sudden I noticed that it was only my two friends and I. My brain finally began to relax and there was no longer a weird energy present. I went outside in the fog and it was a whole other world greeting me with open arms. The wind felt smooth on my skin and it was as if Mother Nature had come to rescue me from my nightmare. I stood outside for about 30 minutes feeling the most relieved I’ve felt in my life. When I came inside my head was clear as it has ever been and going to sleep was a piece of cake.

I woke up the next day at 10 with a slight headache but that was all. I was quiet during the day and only said about three words total for the whole day because I knew no matter hard I tried I could never really explain to anyone how life altering my experience was that night.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 92217
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 10, 2018Views: 1,472
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2C-D (103), 2C-I (172) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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