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Life and Death: Nothing Really Matters
DXM & Cannabis
Citation:   reefer spirit. "Life and Death: Nothing Really Matters: An Experience with DXM & Cannabis (exp9227)". Nov 10, 2020.

1 tablet oral DXM (pill / tablet)
  Repeated joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This is kind of long, but it's very detailed. The names have been changed.

A little after noon, my friend Damien picked me up. He knew what he was doing, but I had never done voodoo before just because I couldn't get it without drinking bottles of cough syrup. In preparation, neither of us had eaten anything that day.

At around 1:00 we each took one pill. This was not cough medicine, it was pure DXM. I'm not sure exactly how many milligrams were in the pills or anything, but it was some strong shit. It takes a while for the capsules to open the stomach, so we had plenty of time to smoke a joint before we felt any effects from the voodoo.

We drove down into the woods to this cool little cave where Damien and his roommates like to trip. Since it was during the day, and in August, Damien informed me that we'd have to go somewhere cold and dark because the heat and bright light would make us really, really sick and completely miserable.

We brought sleeping bags to keep warm, several bottles or sprite and water, and a kerosene lamp. On the way down I could feel the capsule open in my stomach. We got all our shit set up in the cave, which was a little room (big enough for maybe 3 people to lie down in) with tunnels leading off 4 different ways.

About 10 minutes after I felt the capsule open, my body started to feel extremely heavy (Damien had this feeling too) and we laid down. He had warned me that we would get sick, and since weed helps to keep me from puking, we'd brought about 5 or 6 joints and a huge resin/weed ball. I started to feel a little sick, but it was so hard to move because I felt so heavy. We smoked another joint. It was getting harder and harder to move, so before it got any more difficult we sort of crawled/slid to a lower part or the cave.

After this point I can't remember all the details or exactly what order everything happened, but I will describe it as well as possible. I remember stretching out on a small ledge about 2 or 3 feet off the ground. I puked a couple times but it wasn't a problem because I knew it was going to happen. Then I felt like I was rising off the ground. I stayed floating for a few minutes, maybe 8 inches off the ground.
Then I felt like I was rising off the ground. I stayed floating for a few minutes, maybe 8 inches off the ground.
I had been just staring straight ahead, and when I looked around I realized I was moving my hands around. Then my entire body went numb and I wasn't floating anymore.

I think I asked Damien about it but he was too fucked up to answer me. After a few minutes it occurred to me that I was puking again, and I hadn't realized it. I was staring straight ahead, and the rock wall became a beautiful Native American city, sort of like Mesa Verde. I remember seeing three white doors sewn together with dark red stitching and orange outlines. They disappeared and I saw about five windows in a wall built of carved square stones. Then I saw ladders leading to bigger doorways, and it all started to sparkle like it was sprinkled with gold. All of this appeared with a reddish tint, I suppose because the only light we had was fire.

I forgot where I was, but I didn't care. I think the whole time I was watching this I was mumbling stuff like wow, thank you, I love you, ect, just saying it over and over without realizing it. I remember asking Damien 'do you see it?' and he said he did. Then I got sick again, even though I'd thought that part was over. I think he was puking then too.

After a few minutes, we were slightly more conscious and I thought it was starting to ware off. Then came the next wave. I looked down off my little ledge and saw through the floor into an underground city full or sparkling gold. I tried to touch it but I couldn't reach. I'm not positive what happened next, I was so far gone. I didn't know I was in a cave, with Damien, or who I was. I didn't know I was on drugs. I must have realized I didn't know what was going on because I recall saying 'I forgot what reality is like' then I floated off again and I can't remember what happened for a little while.

I think I started to puke again. I was breathing so loudly it was more like moaning. I could hear it but I didn't think about what it was. That went on for most of the rest of the trip. I started to get a little scared and I think I was crying but I'm not sure. Damien was mumbling apologies for something. I don't have any idea what my body was doing for quite a while after this point, just what I was thinking. I asked Damien if I was alive or dead and he said 'I know' or something like that. I thought that was disturbing and asked him again. He said I was alive but I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth.

I wondered if I should be in the hospital. There was a point I was even considering never doing drugs again, if I lived. We were underground and I thought maybe that was because I was already buried. I knew what it was like to die. I thought about how nobody would ever find our bodies way out here. Then I slowly stopped caring. I still didn't know if I was dead or not, but it didn't really matter. I just kind of accepted it, although I wished I could say goodbye to my lover. Another blank spot in my memory, probably still contemplating life and death.

I came back a little and realized I was breathing so hard and told Damien I couldn't stop doing that. He was also in between the peaks of really intense shit, and he pointed out to me that I was shaking really bad. He told me I should get in a sleeping bag, but I couldn't move so he sort of pulled me up a little and put it over me. When he moved me it made me dizzy and I think I puked again. I'm not positive but we may have started the resin ball here and smoked some before the next wave of the shit hit us.

When it came I don't remember as much about it as the first ones. I kept freaking out and asking him if he was still here, along with other weird questions, most of which I can't recall. I wanted to know what time it was and he told me it was probably about 2 or 3:00. Big gap in my memory here. More puking I think. The lantern went out and I was freaking out about it. It seems like I was yelling about it but I don't think I could have yelled at the time, since it's hard even to talk correctly. I later learned that only people on DXM can understand other people on DXM. Damien was considerably more sober than I was by now, since he'd done it a bunch of times and is also about twice my size. He dragged me to another place in the cave where there was a little light coming in from the opening, wrapped me in a sleeping bag, and then he went to the house and took another part of a pill.

I came down a little when he was dragging me around, but then it hit me again, not quite as bad as before though. I don't remember what happened while he was gone or knowing he was back, but when I came down again he was laying next to me and we smoked another joint. We just laid there for who knows how long. I can't really describe the feeling, it wasn't intense but it was not the more conscious feeling we experienced in between peaks. I had my eyes closed the whole time but I wasn't asleep. I saw visions on the back of my eyelids. Damien later told me he was doing the same thing. I couldn't move voluntarily yet and I was still occasionally breathing hard and couldn't stop shaking. My watch kept beeping, I thought it was like every 10 minutes or so, only later did it occur to me that it only beeps every hour. We 'woke up' every so often and smoked a joint.

Around 7 or 8 pm Damien's roommate came down into the cave and we kind of snapped out of it a little and finished the resin ball. I could sit up now. We crawled out of the cave, but we had to stay in the shade because our eyes were still extremely sensitive to light (voodoo vision). We went back to the house and laid on the couch watching movies and listening to music till about 11 pm because we were still slightly retarded and didn't want to move.

I couldn't see as well the next couple of days, but that's to be expected from any hallucinogenic drug. It was an amazing trip. I feel like I know what death is like, and I am not as afraid of it as I used to be.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9227
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2020Views: 1,400
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