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Threshold Effects
Citation:   Alexander Shulgin. "Threshold Effects: An Experience with DOM (exp92432)". Sep 6, 2011.

1.2 mg oral DOM (liquid)
[This report originally appeared as handwritten notes in Book 1, page 88-89 of the Shulgin Lab Books.]

Threshold effects of DOM

Jan 9 1964

Dosage: Dissolved 1.6 mg as HCl in H20 - pipetted out 1/8 -> 1.4 mg computed down to free base 1.19 call 1.2. at currently 180 lbs -> 81 Kg = .0147 mg - 14.7 μg/Kg thus - assume initial at 11 μg/Kg - max differentiate at 20 μ/Kg - and effective (useful) at 17 μg/Kg = 220 M.U. ! This is too optimistic probably ~ 120 better value

Times corrected to 0 hrs at 7:05 - moment of ingestion.

1:15 - am talking to AM in his office - am suddenly aware of warm flushing and tingling in genitalia - the usual hint that I am going to be sick. My mouth is very dry. I want to leave and tell AO but I cannot for several minutes.

2:05 - teeth are quite rubby - there is the feeling of heavy pressure on the ears - as if some one were squeezing my head - mouth has the taste of having smoked far too much the night before (haven't smoked since 1962 - no EtOH for 9 days). I would like to go outside and run away but I am afraid my heart wouldn't take it.

3:15 Morning is creeping along - I feel I am paying a physical price without any mentally distorted reward - I feel at this point - at a somewhat higher dose - this will be a psychotomimetic.

3:35 To greenhouse - distinct pleasure in looking at the lush salvia divinorum - the smell fits the appearance - signs of visual distortion - at a somewhat higher dose things would creep and crawl.

4:00 Still at it - considerable hyperventilation - eyes dilated 10-15% over normal

4:25 I think I start out here - do not have any desire to eat but I do eat - and complete my lunch (chicken, banana, apple.)

7:10 eyes ~20% dilated - I am still shaky as if my body had had a vigorous drug blow - but mentally I am O.K.

one or two more awareness in afternoon ( at ~8, ~9 hrs) P.M. fine. next A.M. fine.

Exp Year: 1964ExpID: 92432
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Sep 6, 2011Views: 22,533
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DOM (20) : Alone (16), General (1)

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