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Tripped Harder Than Read About
Citation:   mattdale. "Tripped Harder Than Read About: An Experience with 5-MeO-DALT (exp92435)". Jul 11, 2016.

1 capsl oral 5-MeO-DALT (powder / crystals)
Not gonna write a long boring experience report.

On an empty stomach I ate a capsule containing about 50-80mg 5-meo-dalt. The effects at first made me want to move and get up and walk and adventure, a little anxiety but more euphoric.

After that everything started looking like I was looking through gas fumes or like heat on a summer day and the color purple would come and go in different spots. Then I started feeling a crazy body load and I thought my heart beat was at least 300 beats a minute but my friends checked and it was normal.

Then I started thinking my friends had this master plan they weren't telling me about to take me to a hospital or call an ambulance or something, but really they just wanted to leave. I got in the back seat and they put on the child locks so I couldn't get out from the inside and I freaked out more, after we started driving I realized we were just going home and calmed down lol.

I lay down pulled a towel over my head in a crazy confusion that felt amazing and started texting under the towel to keep my mind busy, I felt as if my body was morphing twisting in and out spinning. It's unexplainable how it felt it was awesome, my thumbs kept getting big and small and looked like they were moving different ways than they were and 'breathing', I had slight open and closed eye visuals of swirls and stuff morphing into each other.

That's about all that's significant that happened that I haven't seen reported much. I've taken the substance multiple times same batch with effects similar to most other reports so I think this time it was crazy because a mixture of the dose and an empty stomach.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92435
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 11, 2016Views: 1,689
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5-MeO-DALT (321) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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