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The Funny Hydroxy One
Citation:   Lover. "The Funny Hydroxy One: An Experience with 4-HO-MET (exp92502)". Aug 23, 2011.

10 mg oral 4-HO-MET (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (dried)
Well yesterday I finally decided to trip with a friend of mine in his room, I weight a 8 - 10 mg dose for me and 20 mg for him. Finally it was more easy than my last time, let me explain.

Going to my friend's house, layed in his big bed with 2 packs of cigarettes, 2 packs of cigarillos (yummy while tripping), some hand roll tobacco + water and coca. We put a DvD player with some funny french movie! (Dikkenek - Belgian movie). This is for the setting. My mind was overall happy but I did not sleep the night before, so feeling a bit tired.

This is a little report:
9:24 PM (exactly): We take both the gelcaps at this time.
We put 'The Simpsons' movie for being in a good mindset.

9:40 PM : Definitely feeling some alert, first physical symptoms, feeling well relaxed almost sedated. My friend feels the same.

We both begin to smile, huge grin and waves of well being (I can easily fall asleep on it if I want to). Watching The Simpsons was hilarious as hell, laughing like a madman while smoking cigarettes and drinking some very cold water ! Feels excellent and very comfortable

10:00 PM: A 'Trippy' mindset begin to creep, my vision seems more clearer, the environment seems to be more detailed. I always feel good physically but I feel a little distraction (difficulty concentrating on the movie). I noticed some slight tremors and hot flashes over the body, as if the temperature had increased, some slight increase in heart rate. Metocin come in wave, I'm pretty sure. Each wave give me more hot and my body feel heavier then shortly after feel relaxed again.

10:30 PM~: The film ends, we decided to take a walk in the village. We walk in the street, hot flashes are felt, as like some adrenaline rush. My legs seem heavy and the body appears heavier. Impression of walking like being drunk, my legs are they made ​​of gelatin? I feel like I have to make a huge effort to walk.

Watching my phone, 10h45~: The visuals are starting to appear, the colors become saturated, the shadows begin to move. The ground seems inflated with helium, 'cartoon-like' visuals, everything looks a bit unreal. I was peaking. Body seems more heavier while I walk. Some tingling in hands, as if little needles pricking me (Vasoconstriction ?). Head feel heavy too like I was on a boat.

11:05 PM: We returned to his house, we sit in bed with the portable DVD player. We decide to plug a fan, we're hot! My friends said he's dehydrated with the heat he felt in his body. Cold water was consumed for both of us. We put 'Dikkenek' movie (very hilarious belgian movie ), smoking cigarettes one after one! It feel soooo good, cigarettes's smoke is thicker than normal, some shades of orange tones mixes with the smoke. The texture of the bed seems fluid and changing / breathing (the bed is navy blue). Feel like being in the sea.

I do not have much to say since we spend most of time in his bed watching movies, smoking cigarettes and cigarillos and drink water while laughing, giggling like crazy !
The mental effect is very neutral like to be stoned. No insights at this level. Feeling almost clean in the head. Still a great body load. Feeling lighter in his bed compared to the street walk.

The comedown, however, was rather harsh for me. The comedown was accompanied by tremors, low to moderate paranoia. Some heart palpitations and a urge feeling of fainting. I could not get back comfortably.

My friend also felt the palpitations and heat. He breaths heavily and 'jumps' from time to time when his heart got palpitation. (I do the same). Tingling again in the hand and legs. Going to the bathroom to take a piss, I look myself to the mirror, my face look pale, feeling of fainting is felt again. My movements are impaired, feeling of being drunk again.

Laying in his bed again, trying to focus on the movie, some short breathing and anxious state of mind. My heart beat increase and decrease in few second. My heart pound of my chest when it does that ! We both closing our eyes to calm down and we take deep breathes.

The feeling subsided in 15 - 20 minutes. Water was consumed again. We rolled cigarettes and smoke them one after one, it relax us ! Take some chewing gum also, relaxed me !

4:20 AM: We are both baseline and clean, some residuals effects like dilated pupils, feeling drained and tired and some light bodyload can be felt.

5:30 AM: We finally find the time to sleep and it's end our night!

Overall it was a great experience, didn't take much since my last experience with Metocin. However this time the comedown was less harsh than my last session. I will take low dose like this to reconcile myself with Metocin.

No I'm out of 4-HO-MET =(But I will have 2C-C & 2C-D next week, will be great I'm sure with the same setting).

Pros :
+ Great bodyload
+ Very neutral in the head
+ Gloomy and cartoon-like visuals, seems unreal
+ Warm feeling
+ Short duration (5 - 6 hours to baseline)
+ Increase in sociabilty and speaking (I'm a shy person)
+ Lot of laughing (Smiling through all the trip)

Cons :
+ Slight tremors
+ Feeling of 'malaise'
+ Some vasoconstriction but tolerable
+ Comedown a bit harsh?

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92502
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Aug 23, 2011Views: 19,446
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4-HO-MET (436) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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