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A Space Tale
by F
Citation:   F. "A Space Tale: An Experience with LSD (exp92563)". Dec 31, 2013.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  0.5 joints/cigs smoked Tobacco  
  0.5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis  
It all started out on a beautiful sunny morning in the fields and forests of a psychedelic festival somewhere in the middle of Europe. I woke up under our camp's shade structure next to the embers of yesterday’s bonfire wrapped in my blanket. I was warm and comfortable but felt fresh and awake from the cool morning breeze. I had decided last night that if I felt well rested I would shower, prepare well and take one blotter of LSD during the noon. Some of my favorite music would be playing later on the main stage and I got up immediately and started rolling two joints for availability during the trip, psyched about dancing and strolling about in the beautiful weather all day. Also, a lot of my new and old friends from camp would be taking MDMA that day, which made the whole idea seem even more attractive.

I rounded up some additional supplies and got in what I knew from last year's festival would be an ice cold jolt of a shower. I got through it and felt cool – both thermally and mentally – and relaxed as I put the blotter on my tongue outside the showers. I had bought the blotter yesterday from a woman who had dropped by our camp. She seemed experienced and her appearance was that of a genuine hippie, draped in turquoise sheets with braided and dreaded hair. She also held some DMT which she offered to sell me but I decided the time and place was not right for that experience. As I was packing my bag outside the shower area, a very warm and friendly guy managed to convince me more or less instantaneously to buy a cup of coffee from him which I used to wash down the dissolved paper in my mouth. I walked slow-paced towards the main stage without a single worry in my mind ready for whatever the universe might offer.

At the main stage mellow progressive psy-trance was playing and lots of people were dancing in the open field enjoying the sun and the music. I could not find my friends from camp but after looking around for a few minutes, I found some German people I had met on the train on the way to the festival. I sat down and chatted with them for a while as the effects began to take hold. The conversation was mainly centered around how fantastic it was to be at the festival which was fine. But after some amount of time, I decided it felt more right to find my friends from camp. I left my bag with J and went looking.

On the dance floor people were beginning to take on a green and purple shade and a lizard like quality. I recognize it from the last and only acid trip I had had before – last year at the same festival – and felt comfortable with its presence. Suddenly someone pokes my shoulder. I turn around and can hardly believe my own eyes. It's K, a girl I camped with last year and also took acid with. I look at her for what seems like half a minute before I decide that it's actually her. She is wearing a blue scarf as a turban and orange shirt. We hug and I ask her what her plans are for the day. She says she's taken acid not too long ago. I tell her I just did the same and we agree on that being an extremely cool situation.

K is from a country near my own where they speak a language very similar to my own so I can understand everything she says which is very practical. The downside is it's not completely mutual. In fact, not at all. I thus spent a large portion of last year's festival speaking a freakish blend of my own language and hers. This put a bit of a dent in the chrome of our closeness of friendship bumper – whatever that means – but we still got along well after a while. All in all, it was really cool seeing her again. She currently was not living in her country of origin but in another European country from which she had brought friends to camp with. She took me to meet them and we exchanged some words before we all parted. I went to find the rest of my friends but could not locate them anywhere. I mingled chaotically for a while with the Germans and some random people from the dance floor before I bumped into K again. It felt comfortable hanging out with her as though she was sort of anchor-like in the trip. We decided to stick together for a while and we went to tell her friends. Afterwards we found the rest of my group which were struggling a bit with the beginning phase of MDMA.

We danced for a while before deciding it was time to get away from the dance floor. We started walking away from the main stage. We went past the toilets and towards the horizon. I asked if she knew where we were going and she said she didn't know. I suggested we were heading into the unknown for a cosmic adventure and that we definitely were heading the right way. She agreed with both the direction and theme and seemed as amused as I did.

We followed a long and sleek grassy field stretching wavingly into the distance. Along the field lay hay bales scattered randomly and well spread. Under the large blue enveloping sky, the landscape took on an unmistakable cosmic, planet in a solar system in a galaxy somewhere in space-quality. We talked about how we were out strolling on a planet in space in a giggly tone agreeing about our location. The lingual barrier was held in shock by juggling words and sentences in English and our own two languages. Conversation was flowing better than last year. At least there were no 'Me saying a long sentence in my language, her smiling politely saying OK, me rephrasing in freaky-blend, her replying: Ahaaa..'-moments – which I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for.

Further into the field stood a single tree artistically placed to the side of the center. Some people were sitting under it and we pondered on joining them but decided not to as it felt more right to continue. We walked past it and K started telling me about the trip she had had with us last year. She had apparently had a paranoid and shitty time together with my other friend who was certain she was attempting to poison him with a banana which he refused to take more than a few bites from. She was also certain me and the others were having bad trips even though we were having the time of our lives basking in the sun like children of the universe in a ravishingly beautiful garden. I laughed hard at this and she seemed to find it funny as well. She explained to me she had always wanted to take a trip with someone from her own country so she could speak unconstrained with them. We figured this was the closest she would get. I guess the day of the poison banana didn't count. Also funny.

We got further and further away from the festival until there were no sounds but the orchestra of nature – the wind gently stroking the grass and the insects going about their business. It truly felt like a remote corner of the world and I suggested that if we reached the end of the field there would be some kind of never ending sea consisting of wheat or corn. Walking barefoot in the grass with our relaxing festival clothes also gave the experience of remoteness a 60's hippie-quality. The fact that we weren't going to go on to find out if our infinite cosmic sea would reveal itself to our hippie party of two. Instead we sat down uncomfortably for a while and made a ridiculously poor attempt at climbing a hill to the side of the field before deciding it was hot and time to smoke a joint and then go back. As we had a joint but no lighter we went back.

About half-way on the way back we came to the tree. From a distance there appeared to be no-one sitting there to our mild disappointment. But as we closed in on it the movement of an arm unveiled itself. A person was sitting there! We arrived at the tree and sat down. It was a guy in his 20s. I can no longer recall his name but he was slender and relaxed and not tripping at the moment. We borrowed his lighter and shared the pre-manufactured spliff I carried with me. The shade was cool and comforting and the branches arching over us touching the ground in front of us gave the sense of being entangled in nature. It was a good and true feeling.

As we sat there silently a small gray butterfly appeared in front of me and flapped around in a periodic pattern fearlessly near my body. I extended my finger and it landed gently on the tip of it. It was completely gray with two blue dots on it’s wings, had a long thin trunk and two large black eyes. It was something completely out of this world and truly marvelous to behold. It sat there for close to a minute before I turned my head to K and said: 'IT KNOWS.' She laughed and agreed. The butterfly flapped off and sat down again for another minute or so before it left permanently. I felt touched by nature and at peace with the world. We moved on.

Closing in on the festival, K explained she needed to attend the – insert funny alliteration word here. I said something like: The what? We figured out what she meant. It was the toilets. I fortunately only had to pee and was relieved I didn't have to lock myself in a small, clammy and blue cubic room scented with dung. I wished her an interesting experience. We parted and I climbed the hill near the toilets to relieve my bladder. Well up and partly hidden away I found myself having a lot of time to think. As my ray hit the ground I saw the light of the surrounding grass and their fibers connecting me to the mysterious conundrum of being in a loop that went back into it by means of my urine and how this all was resting in the cradle that is my mind. It was a wholesome experience and had me think of how I often end up finding solutions to math and various logic problems in school when performing this activity. One of those psychological-link moments LSD has to offer, I guess.

When I got back K and I laid down on the grass for a while on the hill I just came down from and looked at the sky. Concepts like time, self and soul were all weaved into the swirly hallucinations the clouds gave off. We looked at them for a 'long time' before I turned to K and said: ' seeing those clouds?' She said: 'Yep', clearly approving of their immensity. Afterwards we went to the main stage and danced for a while in front of some garbage bags, moved, and then danced some more. K wanted to find her friends whom she was actually tripping with in the first place to confirm that they were ok with her just taking off leaving them in the absence of her company. She went off to find them, got the confirmation and came back. We went to get something to drink and afterwards go to the garden where the banana poisoning attempt had taken place last year.

In the line, we amused ourselves with contemplating what to buy. We decided unanimously that a peach ice tea and a beer would be in interesting combo. I was given the task of ordering. I fumbled and couldn't get any contact with the staff behind the counter. K sarcastically: 'Well, this isn’t going very well, is it?' I laughed and jumped eagerly at the challenge. I acquired the goods and said: 'Pft, no prob.' The beer was, to say the least bubbly. I had expected drinking beer while on acid to be more like seeping the juice running from overfilled garbage bags but this was really something! The first thought that came to mind was a Japanese beer commercial with extremely exaggerated lights of a guy surfing on a wave of beer in a cartoon-like fashion winking after killing the beer wave with his surfboard. Fresh, bubbly and full of light and life. I explained this to K. She seemed to understand what I meant. We were still in the same world, place, surroundings – call it what you want – where you only have to wink to communicate the most complex notions of experience. We sat down in the wrong place for a while and then headed for the garden.

At the garden we looked for the right place to sit down. And found a wooden structure made of branches and trunks that looked like a boat flipped upside down. I fished out a pre-rolled joint and didn't light it as I had no lighter. I asked a group of people sitting a few meters away if they had a light. They were eating. Really, really eating. One of the guys was clearly attempting to merge with all existing matter by means of his mouth. I explained my perplexity towards them with the fact that they were really eating. They didn't seem to catch on so I went back and sat down with K to share the joint.

After smoking it we found a little swing attached to a tree which I sat down on. The sun was shining idyllically through the trees like sunlight only shines while you're on acid. I swung back and forth. We made funny faces at each other, filling our cheeks with air, doing weird moves with our eyebrows. The works. It was amusing as fuck. The hallucinations were a bit more intense than before and objects were shrinking and growing at the same time, differently and on all scales. The only good comparison is how the road grows when the black knights close in on Frodo in the first Lord of The Rings movie. It was like the ultimate funny face-off thinking back at it now, but at the moment it was just free, unhindered fun. I peeked at K with a clever look as though I had just had a great idea about what to do next while climbing off the swing – which I had. I sat down right in front of her continuing the funny face-off which was now of course more intense. She did a face where she appeared to be saying hello with her eyes. I noticed how beautiful she was sitting there in the middle of the world we were destined to live in. A world weaved by minds unfolding themselves into nature bringing itself to send me into my life into this very moment of experience in the middle of whatever is out there. A moment of pure and lighthearted face-making fun with a beautiful and cool person. The massiveness of how simple beauty can be shot through me like only that experience could and I couldn't hold my tears back. I cried and laughed at the same time. K started crying and laughing too and said: 'Noo! Why are you crying? Now I've started crying too!' It didn't feel like it needed and explanation at the time. I also decided not to give her the slightest idea that I was hitting on her by telling her she had taken on the role of human incarnation of beauty, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. Thinking back on it now it seems absurd. She would probably just have been flattered, but that's not how I think when I'm tripping. Scenarios tend to appear in causal chains of three or more parts. Often ten, relating back to my childhood in a train of thought capable of gathering a substantial amount of convincing cosmic momentum.

After the most emotional moment of my life, or before, whichever it was, hard to remember when beauty bends time and space, two naked children, a boy and a girl, playing in the sunlight came up to the swing. The sun was shining on their bodies and they looked absolutely unreal. There is no word to describe how I felt observing the boy trying to explain something to the girl in gibberish baby language and rapid child like body language that hadn't been fine tuned over the years like the motoric system of an adult. I made an attempt anyway and said to K after they had left: 'Well, there's only one word for that – break – WOW.' 'Yeah. That was the right word', she chuckled.

We got up, left the garden and went back to the main stage where I rolled a terrible joint. We smoked it, hugged, and parted. I won't be forgetting that day anytime soon.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 92563
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Dec 31, 2013Views: 3,707
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LSD (2) : Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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