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7 Hours of Euphoria and Contentedness
Citation:   Worn Out Owl. "7 Hours of Euphoria and Contentedness: An Experience with O-Desmethyltramadol (exp92620)". Feb 17, 2018.

110 mg oral O-Desmethyltramadol (powder / crystals)
Prior experiences:
MDMA, cannabis, amphetamines, codeine, various poppy concoctions (opium, poppy tea)

I recently acquired 1 gram of o-desmethyltramadol and would like to share my experiences of this chemical as there does not seem to be much literature posted regarding its dosage/effects.

I am a semi-experienced opiate user, taking 300mg of codeine every few weeks, and occasionally imbibing poppy tea.

I took 110mg of o-desmethyltramadol mixed with water and drank on an empty stomach. Taste slightly bitter but nothing nasty.

T+30m: I started to feel a slight buzz similiar to a very low dosage of amphetamines or a strong dose of caffine.

T+45m: Started to feel light headed, not at all similiar to codeine/morphine, felt more like the effects of alcohol intoxication.

T+60m: Light headedness has subsided, replaced by a very warm feeling in my chest and an overall feeling of euphoria/happyness/contentedness. The closest I can describe this feeling to is the peak of 'coming up' on MDMA. But unlike MDMA, this feeling persists for a long time with no plataeu (this is not a bad thing in my opinion, it feels subtly different but good).

T+2H: Feeling the same effects as +60mins. Body feels slightly numb to the touch. Cognitive function slightly impaired but clear thought is possible.

T+6H: Feelings of euphoria start to subside. Feeling sleepy (not nodding, just tired) sleepy feeling is very different from the 'nod' of opiates, feels like the tiredness one gets at the end of a day of hard work. Went to bed.

T+7H: Unable to get to sleep.

T+9H: Feelings of the chemical have completely finished. Do not feel any ill effects/comedown. Able to sleep. Sleep for 8 hours.

After effects:
Next day. Felt normal, slightly irritable and a slight headache.
+Two days. Feel completely normal, no hangover effects, no comedown.

Although I felt no ill effects after one dose. Tramadol and its metabolites (o-desmethyltramadol) are opiates. They are addictive. Also, the feeling and length of the high make this chemical appealing for daily use.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92620
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Feb 17, 2018Views: 33,380
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O-Desmethyltramadol (835) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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