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Foxy Perception
Citation:   Lilith V.. "Foxy Perception: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp9268)". Dec 13, 2001.

12.5 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
Several hours before dropping I drank 2 beers and a glass of wine.
Also took 16 mg of codeine 1 ½ hours before dropping. I took the codeine for lower back pain. The 5-MeO-DIPT had no effect on the pain. Once the codeine wore off I felt the pain again, even though I was still tripping.

Dropped at 12:30am
A friend and I divided up 25mg of powder between the 2 of us. I wrapped the powder in a small damp piece of toilet paper and swallowed it. The taste was bitter, so I ate a bite of steak to hide the flavor.

After about 40 minutes, I feel a warm, pleasant body high, a bit like my skin is vibrating at a very low speed. I lose my ability to keep track of time. I feel mild nausea from time to time for about an hour. The nausea keeps me from moving around too much. I lounge on a futon covered with pillows and cuddle with my friends until the nausea subsides.

I pick up some devil sticks, (juggling toys) and begin to play with them. A friend of mine begins to teach me some tricks. I am able to focus on learning tricks with them for what seems to me a very long time. I also feel a strong connection with the guy who is teaching me. It seems he knows exactly what to say, or what to show me in order for me to learn the tricks.

4:45am decide that I am sober enough to drive home. I find it difficult to focus on all the many tasks necessary for driving. A simple road sign is confusing and difficult to understand. When I get to an intersection several blocks from my house I become disoriented and forget where I am. I figure it out again, and continue home.

Throughout the drive, I alternately feel paranoia and then awe when I notice a new stimulus that is pleasant to me, such as the color of the sky or the shape of trees. Lights seem brighter, more sparkly. I also have mild hallucinations. Once in a while out of the corner of my eye I see something move that is not there. I keep thinking that there are people on the side of the road, I see them in the periphery of my vision.

5:45am heightened sensory input. Skin ultra sensitive to temperatures and textures. I take a hot shower and it is pure ecstasy.

I fall asleep easily around 6:30am.

The following day I experience constipation. Aside from that I feel completely normal.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9268
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 13, 2001Views: 10,779
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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