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The Pain of PTSD Was Comforted
Citation:   JourneyOfLife. "The Pain of PTSD Was Comforted: An Experience with Cannabis (exp92758)". Jul 9, 2019.

My PTSD and Marijuana

I have been dealing with anxiety/depression most of my life. I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder 8 years ago and after I learned what PTSD was exactly, I knew that was my problem 100%. Alot of abuse from my childhood that I had forgot was now coming up in my memory again. For 6 years I seen therapists, psychiatrists, did CBT and went down the road of medications eventually. I started on effexor, then onto celexa, and onto almost every ssri. I didn't find the relief though I needed. The doctors tried mixing up my meds to see if it would help. I was on 2 antidepressants, a benzodiazepine, a mood stabilizer and sleeping pills. I was a zombie and worst of it was that these made me an emotional wreck. I attempted suicide about 3 or 4 times because I couldn't handle the feelings. Back to the doctors again. After trying every ssri, snri, mirtazapine, impiramine, buspar, lithium, trazodone, gabapentin and alot of benzos (valium, rivotril, xanax, ativan, halcion, restoril) I was giving up on hope. I came off all my meds about 2 years ago and although I didn't feel 'better' being off meds I felt my old self at least and realized that this PTSD was hurting me as much on meds as not on meds.

I started into using weed and I noticed that when I got high the pain of PTSD was comforted. I wouldnt say It was numbed like the pills do but I actually felt genuine relief. I smoke weed 5-6 days and week and the memories that keep coming up are still there but I am in control of them.
I smoke weed 5-6 days and week and the memories that keep coming up are still there but I am in control of them.
The feeling of being overwhelmed is no longer there. I feel I can live life without the crippling fear and whatnot. Hypervigilence, insomnia, agitation, anxiety depression and anger for me are helped by this one herb. I have read lots of stories on Marijuana and PTSD with war veterans but for PTSD stemmed from childhood abuse it works just as well. I see the world as the beautiful place it's supposed to be for the first time in years! I know marijuana has its side effects and yes it can have withdrawal in me but compared to every other med I've taken... it's side effects are a joke.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92758
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 771
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Health Benefits (32), Unknown Context (20)

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