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Auditory Perception Was Magnified
Calea zacatechichi (extract) & Cannabis
Citation:   Blinky. "Auditory Perception Was Magnified: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi (extract) & Cannabis (exp92782)". Jun 16, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis  
    smoked Calea zacatechichi (extract)
Calea Everclear Extraction and Weed

I soaked about an ounce of dried calea in almost all of a fifth of Everclear (195 proof?) for ten days, shaking every day.

At the end of the ten days I bought a candle warmer, as I was advised to do on an internet forum, because I do not have electric burners on my stove (using gas flame to evaporate alcohol can cause explosions), but that didn't work so I let it sit ventilated for over 20 hours, until it is a small amount of liquid diluted by some sort of goo. I took this to my friends house where I used his electric stove to heat up the pyrex dish. I set the burner way too high, and when the liquid instantly evaporated, I withdrew the dish, and placed it on a cooling rack. Within 20 seconds it shattered.

I salvaged what gunk I could, making sure that no shards of glass got mixed in. We smoked a little of this on a bowl of calea leaf and felt some physical effects. There was a noticeable effect on my dreams.
There was a noticeable effect on my dreams.

Smoking Extract and Weed:

I have been talking calea up to everyone I think would be receptive, and another friend of mine expressed interest. So I went to her house with the extract and some good weed. We both believed we were coming down with a cold. We smoke a hit each of some low-grade shit, and then I pack a fat bowl with the good weed, and put a globule that in my highly amateur guess weighed about a gram on top. We smoked it like hash for a couple hits each and then hit it normal 3 or 4 more times each after that.

My auditory perception was magnified, and I had auditory hallucinations. I also had some open-eye visuals. My mind was racing and I was extremely paranoid. We were in an outside roofed porch type area with no heating, so I was cold. I was jittering a lot and tic'ing out a little bit. I felt quite overwhelmed for a while, though music was a comfort and also amazing.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92782
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jun 16, 2018Views: 1,259
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Calea zacatechichi (97) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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