Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
True Apathy
Citation:   NiggaPov. "True Apathy: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp93007)". Dec 1, 2012.

50 mg oral Oxycodone (extract)
I’m not going to waste your time with pointless details, as most trip reports on Erowid seem to do. If you’re looking for a story about the friends I was with, who I obtained the substance through, the setting I was in, leave this page now. I am here to write this report with the intent of attempting to TRULY convey to you what the experience of being on Oxycodone is like. I’m not going to worry about creating some thrilling, breath-taking storyline. Too many reports waste time with bullshit details as they try to create some sort of novel, it’s a fucking trip report, GET TO THE POINT. In fact this is the only paragraph in which I will waste any of your time. Now...

I ingested 50mg of Oxycodone via the “cold water extraction” method. This technique allows you to remove any acetaminophen from the Percocet pills you wish to ingest, allowing you to take a much higher dosage without any worries of damaging your body (with any chemicals OTHER than the desired substance). Of course, when taken orally, Oxycodone takes a bit longer to kick in, as opposed to snorting, or insufflating, it. Around a half hour to forty minutes after chugging the bitter tasting water, laced with Oxycodone, I began to notice some of the first signs that I was becoming intoxicated.

There is this signature “warm” feeling that enveloped my entire body. The sensation is almost as much mental as it is physical. I find it somewhat hard to explain through text. It is truly as if the temperature in the room has been turned up a few degrees, but you can instantly feel it all over your body, predominately in your face (almost comparable to being drunk, though it IS different). A feeling of well-being and happiness fell over me. I stopped caring about the things going on in the room. As time progressed, the people chatting across the room from me, the sounds of the video games being played in front of me ceased to matter.

In fact, I stopped giving a fuck about everything. I felt happier and warmer as time passed. On top of that, I began to feel droopy, almost dreamy. I became even more disconnected from everything going on around me, not in the way that LSD or mushrooms will disconnect you from reality, this type of disconnection had a very apathetic tone to it. Eventually the TV went off and I requested one of my friends at the computer to play Stairway to Heaven, followed by a bunch of other trippy/dreamy songs that I thought would sound beautiful in my state of mind. Turns out I was right! Music sounded AMAZING under the influence of this drug. It was more euphoric and elegant than ever before. Even THEN, if the music had been turned off, I wouldn’t have given a fuck. By then, my body was feeling very heavy, I imagine that if I would have tried to walk, I wouldn’t have been very successful.

My hands felt heavy, my arms, legs, everything. My eyes began to cross (involuntarily) and my eyelids became heavier than ever. My thoughts and comprehension of reality at this point were becoming distorted. Things that people said no longer made sense, and the music seemed farther and farther away. I believe I attempted to speak, and if I remember correctly it was complete gibberish, though I couldn’t tell you exactly what I said.

At that point, I started to nod off. To explain a little bit what nodding off is... It’s like falling asleep. Your eyes close and you literally forget where you are, who you are, all of that bullshit. You literally have dreams when you nod off, but in a strange way, you’re still awake. If someone calls your name or touches you, it would probably snap you out of it. Unfortunately the PRICKS that I was with kept “waking me up” every time I began to nod off. I still don’t understand why to this day, but it annoyed the fucking shit out of me. Regardless... During my little nod offs, I had dreams of traveling through futuristic cities in some strange car-like flying machine, and everything glowed in strange, fluorescent colors I’ve never seen, it was almost psychedelic.

And then these assholes woke me up, at which point all I did (and probably all I could do) was wave my hand at them and said “Fuckin’ let me sleep”. I went back in and started dreaming I was in some dice game where we were wagering all of these strange objects, artifacts and such. Very weird. Of course my asshole friends snapped me out of my dream once again, though quite honestly I would have snapped out of it on my own eventually, I find that these little day-dreams only last so long. They tend to come and go during the peak of the opiate high.

Finally I stopped nodding off, after about a half hour of zoning in and out of consciousness. The next thing I remember was hearing “Golden Brown” by The Stranglers, which is actually about heroin, and is a beautiful song needless to say. The music sounded just as magical as before, despite the fact that I was beginning to come down, though only a little bit and very subtly at that. Something I should mention, again, is the sheer APATHY I experience throughout the entire duration of the high. I really don’t give a fuck about anything. I feel like, if sedated heavily enough on Oxycodone, I could watch a close friend break an arm or a leg and say something along the lines of, “Oh, that sucks”. It’s truly a beautiful feeling, experienced in the correct setting of course.

Overall, the high lasted about three to four hours. I peaked around the two and a half hour mark, plateaued for about a half an hour, and came down for the rest. I should note that the come up and the come down on Oxycodone are VERY subtle. I almost slide into sobriety, yet still feeling a small amount of the effects from the high, almost as a parting gift, a farewell, if you will.

This was definitely an amazing experience. I don’t dabble with opiates too much, but when I do, as you can see, I like to take very high doses. I’m a bigger guy, but still, 50mg is a lot of Oxycodone. I see no point in just feeling KIND OF high. When I take substance, I want to be FUCKED up, not kind of buzzed. However, opiates are not something to play around with, hence why I like to limit my use of them to maybe once every few months. Thanks for reading, and I hope that I was successful in conveying what this experience FELT like, rather than wasting your time with pointless details that have nothing to do with the high itself. Peace and love.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 93007
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 1, 2012Views: 27,322
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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