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Relaxing After Work
Betel Nut
Citation:   Binlang. "Relaxing After Work: An Experience with Betel Nut (exp93047)". Aug 30, 2017.

12 nuts buccal Betel Nut (fresh)
I chew betel (Areca nut and piper betel leaf with slaked lime) when relaxing after work or after a meal. To prepare the quid, I take a betel leaf, wash it well. Smear a small amount of lime paste over the back side of the leaf. Cut betel nut (areca nut) in half and pop the center out of the shell. Take the half betel nut and place it on top of the leaf smeared with lime. Place in mouth and chew. Spit as needed.

Effects are warming of the face and chest, and an overall good feeling. Tobacco can be added as well as other flavorings. I like to use Baba 120 tobacco and Hira Moti Paan flavoring from the Desi market.

Dried betel nut can be used but the effects pale in comparison to the fresh or frozen betel nut. At my local asian market, the nut is often found in the freezer section and is sometimes called bin lang.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93047
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Aug 30, 2017Views: 2,403
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Betel Nut (92) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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