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Not a Good Combo
H.B. Woodrose & Cocaine
Citation:   madscience. "Not a Good Combo: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose & Cocaine (exp93227)". May 24, 2020.

T+ 0:00
9.5 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (tincture)
  T+ 1:00 2 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
To start off I'd like to mention that I'm a healthy individual with no medical history, and a lot of experience with drugs, especially psychedelia.

I'm not dwell too much on the feeling of tripping on LSA,I feel like there are enough threads about that. This is more of a warning about the potential health risks of combining LSA with Cocaine or any amphetamines: Meth, MDMA, Adderal, Etc.

In doing research on an LSA extraction, I found out that LSA is vascoconstrictive, meaning that it restricts your blood vessels, hampering blood flow. I also knew that cocaine and amphetamines are also vascoconstrictive, but I had tripped on lSA before,plus I roll all the time, so I nonchalantly thought it was no big deal to combine the substances.

At 6:30 I drank my LSA tincture, I took it early because it has a 1.5-2 hour come-up. Approximately 1 hour into my trip my friend offers me a few lines of blow. I accept, I'm feeling great and we drive to a venue to see a show.

When we are dancing I can't help but feel weird. I feel the normal affect of the LSA, plus the coke, but I have a weird feeling like my heart is under pressure (Hard to explain). Also I realize that my fingers are feeling numb. I knew I was not dehydrated because I was making sure to drink plenty of water and I wasn't even sweating from dancing.

It worried me enough that I decided to stop dancing and chill out until the coke wore off and I felt my fingers again and my heart stopped feeling like it was going to stop. I was fine for the rest of the night, but that doesn't mean under different circumstances this combination could be hazardous.

I hope I'm the 1% that had this kind of reaction, but still I won't be mixing LSA with coke or amphetamines again, it's just not worth it.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93227
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 24, 2020Views: 982
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Cocaine (13), H.B. Woodrose (26) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Club / Bar (25)

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