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Several Hours Later I Woke Up in My Puke
Alcohol & Methoxetamine
Citation:   GeddyLee. "Several Hours Later I Woke Up in My Puke: An Experience with Alcohol & Methoxetamine (exp93244)". Oct 6, 2021.

  repeated oral Alcohol  
  50 mg oral Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
Methoextamine Plus Alcohol Equaled Trainwreck

I made several mistakes, but I still think this drug might be kind of bad news.

One friday night me and my friend got drunk playing video games. I must have been more intoxicated than I thought I was, but I decided I wanted to try the Methoxetamine I got on the internet. I had a GREAT time on the 5-MeO-Dalt I had also bought, so I thought I would enjoy this too. I looked up a couple reports and decided to take 50mg orally. I didn't think this would be a strong experience after reading about how much other people had insufflated in one night. I was wrong.

I measured out 50mg on a scale that is really only for grams. I put some back because it looked like a lot. It's possible I did 100mg I guess, but I really have no clue. I played some bass and we listened to some music while I waited. It came on pretty quickly and pretty soon the room was kind of spinning and I couldn't see very well. I did like this better than my DXM experiences, but pretty soon I was gone.

I totally passed out and went into a coma like state as reported in other reports. My friend didn't think this was a big deal so he just went and hung out with my roommate for awhile then left. I think this was pretty negligent because later I puked all over the place, but I'm glad he didn't call an ambulance. I may have been conscious for this, but I don't remember it. My friend claims I was 'mostly on my side' but my roommate says he saw me later lying on my back with my eyes half open totally out of it. Well I didn't die, but I may have come close to Hendrixing. I think I may have had some visions or dreams, but can only slightly remember one of them.

Several hours later I woke up in my puke, but was very confused and tired and went back to sleep, it may have been after this that I had the dream I remember. The next morning I realized I was in puke and dragged myself to the shower. I still felt like I was tripping and had trouble walking. I got nauseous and threw up the water I had dranken with the chemical and I could taste the chemical. I showered and went back to sleep on a chair. I was very tired. I spent the whole day sleeping, but I also washed my sheets and tried to clean the floor. I threw up a whole party pizza. I felt the drug for almost 24 hours.

I came away with nothing from this experience except what not to do the next time. So learn from my idiocy.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93244
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 6, 2021Views: 668
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Alcohol (61), Methoxetamine (527) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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