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Regretting The Experience
Inhalants: Duster
Citation:   alley. "Regretting The Experience: An Experience with Inhalants: Duster (exp9326)". Jul 5, 2005.

1 hit inhaled Inhalants (gas)
I was at a friends house one night with my boyfriend, and we had nothing to do, so he suggested we all go to office depot and buy some desk cleaner. I have done nitrous before so I thought that this shit wouldn't be that exciting. I decided to try it anyway, I mean, it's better than just watching TV all night. Was I in for a surprise. Both of my friends had done this before and said I had nothing to worry about, and that it wasn't any worse than nitrous, but I made them do it first just to make sure they weren't going to flip out or anything.

My guy, J, took the first hit, and in turn he exhaled and started laughing, but it wasn’t his voice anymore, the cleaner, I guess, fucked up his voice box cause his voice sounded like a slow-mo tape recorder. It was so weird, but he kept laughing, so I figured he was having a lot of fun. He kept talking and after about 45 seconds his voice starting coming back to normal. Then my friend, M, took a hit and the same thing happened to his voice. It was freakin me out cause I had never seen anything like it before. They looked so retarded, but it also looked like they were having the best time, so I still wanted to try it. Finally when it wore of them, they handed it to me. MY TURN…

I put the straw nozzle in my mouth and pushed the lever and took the biggest breath of cleaner that I could, and as soon as I exhaled I began to pass out, and I remember saying 'holy shit' but it wasn’t my voice…it was in the same slow-mo voices the guys had. I remember laughing out loud and then getting very scared. Then I felt waves coming over me in rapid pulses, and I started hearing a loud alarm noise, and as I closed my eyes I remember smiling, until I started to see flashing lights, first neon green, black and pink. I felt like I was in a dream, and then it started to fade away. As I exited la-la land, I remember thinking what the fuck just happened to me. And I looked around to notice the two guys laughing away. I was totally freaked out by now, and I could still feel the wave like pulses going through my body. They asked me if I liked it, but didn't give me time to answer, they just turned back around and started huffing again.

I felt like I was in the twilight zone. I don’t understand how that shit could have warped our voices like that. I left the house, and they didn’t even notice. They were so screwed up. That's when I realized what a mistake I had made. That is nothing to play around with. I think I'll stay away from the inhalants for awhile. I don’t see how 45 seconds of being out of control of your body could be so much fun for people, especially when it is so dangerous. Take my advice, if you've never done it before, don't. It's not even worth it. Trust me. For those of you that have, here's your brownie points. I don’t see how you consider desk cleaner a 'great high'. It's worthless, and all it does it fuck up your body. But, if you insist on doing it, just be careful, and have a nice trip.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9326
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 5, 2005Views: 15,820
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Inhalants (29) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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