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Cognitive Problems After 3 Trips
by Mike
Citation:   Mike. "Cognitive Problems After 3 Trips: An Experience with DXM (exp93460)". Sep 6, 2019.

200 - 600 mg oral DXM
I only tried DXM three times. Doses were 200/400/600 mg. The first one was taken in form of cough syrup (Robitussin) the other two as cough tablets (Stopex).

Lowest dose made me feel warm, relaxed and calm. Then came the pills. At 400 mg felt dizzy, unable to keep balance and having blurred vision. After about 2 hours after taking the pills I got severe diarrhea, worst ever in my life. It was simply put “explosive”. I spent 3 hours sitting on the toilet and it seemed to never end. For one moment I thought I was going to die. I was reaching for my phone to call myself an ambulance when it finally subsided. Trip was almost over at that time but I still enjoyed some warm and peaceful feelings. I attributed the diarrhea to something I must have eaten during the day and decided to repeat the trip about a week later.

I suffered from diarrhea again. But not being sure it is not caused by pills I have skipped any meals that day so it was not that terrible as previously. This time I had double vision, felt incredibly good, calm. I played my favorite techno music and I was just amazed by it. Thought also ran free. I had lot of “out of the box” ideas. To summarize: fucking awesome.

But… Not long afterward I noticed quite severe memory problems. Reading anything apart from really simple stuff became very challenging. Before getting to the end of sentence I already forget what the beginning was. But it was not only short term memory. I had problem figuring even basic words used in everyday conversation and god forbid if I wanted to figure something less common. That really scared hell out of me.

I never used drugs much. As a teenager I had few experiences with solvents (maybe about 5 - 10 times). I never drunk until I was 25 and even after that age I drink in a moderated way. I first tried dope about a year ago and since then smoked about 3 times a week (weekends) and I have never combined it with anything. Had shrums two times in my life and that’s it. I do not thing anything else that could have contributed to this cognitive problems.

I decided I will never try it again and I also cut down dope usage to once per two weeks. Now it seems I am getting better (two months after last use) but still not as good as before that experiment that I now deem stupid.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93460
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: Sep 6, 2019Views: 1,158
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DXM (22) : Post Trip Problems (8), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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