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You Don’t Get High, Just Productive
Citation:   NeonSoul. "You Don’t Get High, Just Productive: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp9357)". Jul 5, 2005.

  repeated insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
Mid-day Friday at McDonalds where I work. My manager asks if I ever have tried crystal (everybody in the fast food industry does drugs...seriously) I told him not yet. He showed me his bag, a tiny bag of completely translucent crystals. Apparently the best my manager, and friend, 'Joe' had ever seen. It had been over a year since he last tweaked but couldn’t pass up that good looking crystal.

We take a 15 (break) and drive outside of McDonalds. He lines up two very, very small lines and we each railed one. All of a sudden there was absolutely no fatigue in my body, I didn’t even know I was high yet but we headed back and started talking a lot more. Once we got inside our break was already over so I clocked in and got back to work. All of a sudden I realized what meth is all about. Speed. Its different from all other drugs you don’t get high, or faded, you just get faster and everything becomes clearer. It straightened my head up. Thinking through math problems or complicated situations became easy and fun. I was motivated, more motivated than I ever had been in my life. And I was fast, damn fast at everything and I did an awesome job. I couldn’t accept anything less from myself than busting ass. At the end of the night we had sent home just about everyone early and the store looked better than I’d ever seen it. I had a perfect till and a good write up coming my way. Customers even were giving me tips for being so friendly and fast.

Finally we were done and I went over to his house. We smoked a few bowls and then he showed me how to smoke meth with a light bulb and tooter. I probably took 4-5 hits from the meth pipe the smoke tasted unique, not bad at all and much better than the drip from railing that shit. It hit me then, way harder all at once. We couldn’t stop talking for about 20 minutes just about anything and everything. Finally we realized that and went to another friends house to hang out. It’s here I realized something else...people don’t notice you are on meth. I had a great time and didn’t even make any stupid stoner mistakes. Eventually we came back to the house took some more hits at around 2 and played video games/talked until the sun started to come up. I was coming down and actually managed to sleep easily which is fucked up Joe thought. He stayed up into the next night. We took another small rail in the morning which energized me better than any full nights sleep could give.

Meth is strange, you don’t get high, just productive. Even if your body isn’t your mind cannot stop singing songs thinking up new shit to do or whatever. I can see it being addictive as you just take more and more and don’t need to sleep or anything else. Joe had been up for 28 days once off crystal and that’s nothing he tells me to other people he’s met. Personally Id never do it that much but once in awhile I see it being fun, raves, tests, projects, you know those special times every once in awhile where you need to be 110%, that’s possible with meth. Don’t let too many of those situations come up though.

Overall comedown wasn’t very hard at all (would suck alone), don’t plan on doing it for at least a month so. Doesn’t seem that addictive. I think its possible to use this drug constructively without abusing it.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9357
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 5, 2005Views: 21,656
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Methamphetamine (37) : Addiction & Habituation (10), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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