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Helping Me Deal With Stressors
Citation:   guess. "Helping Me Deal With Stressors: An Experience with DMAE (exp93575)". Dec 19, 2016.

500 mg oral DMAE (daily)
I love DMAE, I've been taking it since august or so, I think, and it's done everything that it's rumored to do. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, and have occasional anxiety & depression, but I was mostly wanting to start DMAE to see if it would aid me in mental sharpness, and also for completely unrelated cosmetological reasons!

I started at 200mg and slowly raised the dosage to 500mg, sometimes I take 200mg later in the day as well. I think my body is pretty used to 500mg now... But when I first started taking that much, It put me in a sort of manic state, very cheerful, very talkative, witty, silly, energetic, and so on... Especially combined with caffeine. If I was alone, I'd want to get things done... Clean, organize, study, etc... It certainly improves my mood!

I think the most valuable positive longterm effect of DMAE is its ability to help me deal with stressors in my life. It was something that I wasn't expecting. I'm often not a very outspoken or assertive person. But since taking DMAE, somehow I'm able to vocalize my needs and boundaries very easily and naturally, and not feel stressed out about it. For this reason I worry about becoming dependent on it. And I worry about myself when I won't be able to take it.

I stopped taking DMAE for a week, and noticed I felt anxious when I hadn't felt anxious before. And felt that stressors in my life were getting to me again, when they weren't when I was on DMAE.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93575
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Dec 19, 2016Views: 2,023
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DMAE (151) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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