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What Was the Bad Mojo
MDMA & Bad/Suspect Ecstasy
by CT
Citation:   CT. "What Was the Bad Mojo: An Experience with MDMA & Bad/Suspect Ecstasy (exp93619)". Nov 24, 2017.

1 hit oral MDMA
My husband and I are experienced MDMA users and like the pure molly experience as a way to reconnect and keep our marriage alive and intact. It has worked for 30 years.

Last night we started with a molly and were grooving and went for the boost with a red heart shaped 'ecstasy' pressed tab. The speed effect was overwhelming and quite unpleasant. We got way high with visual light show hallucinations and no ability to really connect as a couple. The drug was pure DYSphoria. The body temperature was out of control with hot and cold and there was nausea throughout. We couldn't groove, we couldn't rest, we couldn't dance (for long) and just keep trying to reconnect in our bodies. The Serotonin/oxytocin effect was minimal and the amphetamine effect was high...but I did not feel powerful or able to really do anything.

It is not an experience we want to have again. I am trying to figure out what the adulterant(s) were in the drug.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 93619
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 62
Published: Nov 24, 2017Views: 2,142
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