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Risque or Righteous?
6-APB & 25D-NBOMe
Citation:   Psyke. "Risque or Righteous?: An Experience with 6-APB & 25D-NBOMe (exp93726)". Dec 16, 2011.

T+ 0:00
115 mg oral 6-APB (capsule)
  T+ 0:00 2 hits buccal 25D-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  T+ 4:00     Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 8:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 9:00 1 oral Etizolam (pill / tablet)
6-apb 115mg
25d-nbome x2 850mcg (blotter)

Setting: The city, 145 pound male, 5’11’’, previous experience includes a plethora of Research chemicals, Lsd, Psilocybin, Salvia, Dissociates, it all.

I swallowed the capsule containing ~115mg 6-apb with some amount of trepidation, and then washed it down with water. Immediately Thereafter I proceeded to slip the two 850mcg blotters of 25d-nbome in between my upper check and gums. The slight chemical taste is not disturbing, unlike bk-mdma, 2c-t-2, and other chemicals I have tasted, most likely because the quantity of the chemical in question is so small.

T+0:00 My lab assistant and I (same dose for both of us) Watch a skate video or two to pass by a few minutes. We get a bit ansy and decide to take the 3 block walk to the gas station in order to get a can of Copenhagen wintergreen chew. I tell my Lab assistant, S, to try not to swallow as much saliva as humanly possible without losing the ability to announciate. Often times the saliva would build up in our mouths and swallowing was a must.

T+0:30 S buys a can of Grizzly Pouches because they are out of the good stuff. Our gums are completely numb on the right side from the blotters, so we switch it to the other side of the upper jaw. These blotters are not complexed with any encapsulating agents so we must try to get maximum buccal absorption. My tongue starts to go numb as well as S’s.

T+0:45 Almost back to the house, we finally decide to take the 25d-nbome blotters out of our gums. A Relief I must say, even though our tongues are completely numb. No real Mental or physical effects as of yet, although walking around in the rain with umbrellas in San Francisco is a treat in and of itself.

T+1:00 We bypass S’s roommate and proceed to head to the ‘smoking den’. It Has bean bag chairs, plush carpeting, music system, blacklight, posters, and those glow in the dark stars along the ceiling. We Lay on our backs for perhaps 30-45 minutes and watch the glow stars start to morph and twist. No physical apb style effects are really noted, but glorious thought processes and general awe at the situation we are in are noted.

As time passes and the music progressively because more and more powerful; the stars start to dance, disappear, and re-appear. We are utterly flabbergasted as sometimes our entire vision turns black as if our eyes are closed and then suddenly the stars focus back into our vison. Beauteous.

I want to Dance But can’t as I’m laying down, the music just has so much POWER. I also examine the realtionships with the people around me very extensively, and examine what it really means to be happy and why we can’t all just be happy all the time.

T:1:35 We decide we have to leave and go take a chew walk. Randomly on our way out of the apartment complex’s elevator we run into T, a very silent and mysterious individual who is one of the only people I would want to hang out around with me not in my most sanest moments and all. We take a chew and discuss the zodiak killer, who once roamed the streets of SF ruthlessly murdering the innocent and unsuspecting.

What a Crazy world we live in. I laugh hysterically at other people sitting near us on the bench as we take dips. Humans are fascinating, hilarious and dismal all at the same time. We run into our favorite lesbian friend who sends resonating good vibes all throughout our circulatory systems. I love running into good people!

T:2:20 T,S and I (mind you T isn’t tripping) Watch a few skateboard videos with crazy music, and all of us are filled with the insatiable urge to go hop on our skateboards and have a night-sesh in the parking garage.

We skate for HOURS, having the most beautiful time of my life. I go from being somewhat cold, to short sleeved and sweating like a mandrill in heat within a few short seconds. The sweat feels great and my balance is damn near perfect. I land all the tricks I usually land, among other tricks I usually do not land.

Creativity is flowing and my mind is utterly mangled. (in a good way) When I ride around the ceiling’s podiums fly by at incredible speeds making the ceiling seem lower than it really was. Spliffs are smoked throughout.

T:4:00 S,T, and I, and with another friendly skater, M all proceed back to my place and we drink a Foster’s Australian Lager. S and I can hide the fact that we are under the influence fairly easily, besides the fact that he said my lips are somewhat blue. (Not a good sign.) The other guys however, who aren’t incapacitated, do not see much blue in them at all.

I must note however, that I have been becoming increasingly cold throughout the experience, sans the skateboard session where I was sweating buckets. My core seems cold and I put on long underwear under my pants. Seems to help a bit

T:6:00 -9:00 I have never felt any entactogenic effects throughout any part of the experience, it seems the 25d domineered the duet, although music was absolute ecstasy. I take an enormous bong bowl rip that is topped with a generous layer of keif (uh-oh) and cough my lungs out.

S goes to bed, and the other two have already gone home. I hang out with S’s roomate and watch as much of the Zodiak Killer movie as I can before I must go to bed. Tea is dranken and tons of covers are used as I try to fall asleep.

Finally 1 single etizolam must be taken to delve into the dream world we all so long for after hours of strenuous psychadelia-induced brain labor. Sleep is found around 9 hours after ingestion. Roughly.

Afterword: A Risqué and delicious combo, 6-apb and 25d-nbome may fit together somewhat…But I wouldn’t do this exact combo again. Heart Rate never become too high, But I did notice some tension amongst my fists, feet, and jaw slightly. The next morning I slept in until about 12:20pm, and awoke with a pounding headache that made me regret the 6-apb. Luckily as soon as I had water and coffee the headache immediately went away, and now I feel just great.

I most certainly feel better than the day-after methylone, and in fact feel just fine mentally. Physically I am pretty exhausted, but I did do copious amounts of exercise the night before akin to dancing the night away on Mdma, so physical exhaustion is not a surprise.

No need for any 5-htp to be taken. I would rate the experience glowing awe-inspiring ++. It takes a whole lot more for me to move up the shulgin scale, further 25-xnbome experiences are needed, next time without 6-apb.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93726
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 16, 2011Views: 12,242
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25D-NBOMe (541), 6-APB (516) : Various (28), Combinations (3)

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