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Thinking Up Savoury Dishes It Works In
Cannabis (Edible)
Citation:   curaezipirid. "Thinking Up Savoury Dishes It Works In: An Experience with Cannabis (Edible) (exp93730)". Nov 23, 2017.

  oral Cannabis
Oral Cannabis

My first experience with eating THC was the only bad one, and badder than normal because I had not heard the part of the conversation in which the fact of cannabis in the cookie rated a mention. It was Sunday morning and before the afternoon began, I had to be at a Christmas afternoon tea for the staff of my children’s childcare centre, laden with nice food to share, and the cookie baker later informed me, without apology, that she had specially tried to make the cookies super strong, since her family are all such heavy pot smokers. Why I visited there that morning, is to this day a total mystery. Needless to say, it is more important when eating THC, to be cautious about one's physical and social environment.

My only other difficult experience eating it, was at a time when I was alone, and at a place where I didn’t have a refrigerator, so kept little food at home, and the only food in the house, was a pot of black eye bean soup (lots of olive oil, salt, onion, and a few black eye beans), with a $25- deal of good bud fried with the onion. However, I handled myself without paranoia THANK JESUS!

More recently, during my most recent patch of pot use (I normally only have it for about two weeks out of every year -- as much as I could afford), I did not want to smoke any. Not after experiencing a rough time from somebody sneaking heroin into a bong, and ruining the good old Aussie “bong on” tradition for me (a “bong” is Aussie slang for a water pipe, also called a “billy”). I experimented with different foods. The THC of course needs be fried, but I don’t much like butter, or sweets, these days, and so I had to think up what savoury dishes it works in. The result, is that I have met the plant spirit teachers of much of the contents of my pantry cupboard, and vegetable garden. I do not advise use of cannabis combined with the daikon radish
I do not advise use of cannabis combined with the daikon radish
and do advise that every time it is eaten, the eater need beware that you are what you eat, and so to be sure of whatever else all the ingredients of your food are. It kicks back on me surprisingly in every new food it is combined with. On daikon radish, I had my head belatedly done in by the Blair Witch Project, only to return into sanity via realising that the Studio Ghibli cartoon Spirited Away shows what the Daikon monster spirit looks like, and is happier in its ending, and so I had no cause for concern.

In fact, cannabis is so useful in the kitchen, that I reckon it ought to be regulated as a normal cookery spice, like nutmeg. Is it not the most commonly available psychoactive substance which tastes good enough to eat? Available not as a flavour enhancer, but as a touch enhancer food additive. If I start to feel less physical sensation, I get worried, but whenever my body feels more sensitive from its use, the paranoia can’t manifest in the mind, because it will be manifestly present in the skin, as a slight burning sensation.

Exp Year: 1998-2008ExpID: 93730
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Nov 23, 2017Views: 1,386
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Cannabis (1) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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