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My Flavour Burn
Heimia salicifolia
Citation:   curaezipirid. "My Flavour Burn: An Experience with Heimia salicifolia (exp93754)". May 6, 2019.

  oral Heimia salicifolia (tea)
Heimia salicifolia

OK, so it was accidental first time around, with Calea zacatechichi, but the exact same method worked to get rid of the nasty flavour of Heimia salicifolia. I tried about one gram only, left it all day in purified water, and a little alcohol bought for the purpose, and a little eucalyptus just in case it was the eucalyptus that worked first time round, in a glass jar in the sun, then cooked it down, but cooked it all the way until the liquid evaporated and the leaves were charred. Then added more purified water cooked it a little more, and strained the liquid out and drank it. The only bad flavour is the soot, which is much preferable to Heimia salicifolia’s flavour.

However, UNLIKE the Calea zacatechichi, using the same method, the Heimia salicifolia is brought on stronger by smoking, making me wonder whether some kind of oil (either a little more eucalyptus oil than in the lozenge, or olive oil we normally use for holding THC: but the oil is more liable to smoke while burning, so take care, . . .) in the tea would make it stronger.

. . . didn’t take long but will have to eat my words. The bad flavour went into the oil fully, not quite as bad tasting as straight Heima salicifolia tea though. I got my charred leaves still in the pot, added just a little olive oil, fried the char, and put the oil in a cup of cabbage soup. Thank Jesus for cabbage.

I don't know yet how long it will last, but it feels less strong than I anticipated after the Calea zacatechichi. The best part of Heimia salicifolia's effect was that I could hear an echo on my own voice, like a reverb machine on a mic. I figure that could be because I know a lot of heroin users who prefer my words than others to dream of, so I recycle my own words, from other friends of heroin users, and get my own back. But it was a bit trippy hearing my own voice in feedback as auditory hallucination.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93754
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 43
Published: May 6, 2019Views: 1,467
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Heimia salicifolia (150) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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