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Be Patient and do the Research
Citation:   DoctorStrange. "Be Patient and do the Research: An Experience with GHB (exp9381)". May 26, 2004.

T+ 0:00
0.5 tsp oral GHB (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:00 4.0 g oral GHB (powder / crystals)
  T+ 7:45 4.0 g oral GHB (powder / crystals)
Some months ago a coworker mentioned an interesting substance his roommate (a chemist) had cooked up, that could make you 'drunk', but without the hangover the next day. He couldn't remember it's name though, so nothing came of that conversation at that time.

Then I came across a description of GHB. It matched what he'd talked about, so I made it my mission to obtain and try the stuff. With some effort, I got my hands on 75mL of GBL, got the rest of what I needed from a hardware store, and one evening produced about 80g of a beautiful white powder (the sodium salt version, NaGHB).

I didn't put that much thought into set/setting, being impatient I wanted to try it *now*. I didn't have any reliable way to measure small amounts of the stuff, so I made an assumption that a level teaspoon equaled 2g (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is conjecture), so I took half a teaspoon dissolved in orange juice. Salty orange juice just tastes wrong. There were some mild effects, onset was about 30 minutes, duration about 30 minutes, I was disappointed overall. I later got quite hungry (ravenous would be a good description), went out with a sibling and basically gorged. Mistake #1.

Later that evening, about 5 hours after eating, I decided to try a proper dose. I knew that your typical large dose was 3g, I decided that due to my weight, I'd try 4g. I rigged up a crude scale, tested it with known weights (it worked surprisingly well, accurate to about 0.5g), and measured out 4g. I dissolved this in plain water this time, and sat back watching Teletoon.

T+00:15 - Onset, felt like I'd had a few drinks, but nothing too special
T+00:45 - Felt like I'd had 8 drinks or so, but still had unusual control
T+01:00 - Suddenly everything on TV seemed like a work of genuis. I also felt inexplicably happy, euphoric. I had an urge to share this feeling with the entire cosmos. Colours were warmer, music seeped directly into my soul, and tactile sensations were incredible.
T+01:45 - Just as suddenly, I started to return to baseline - or so it felt. I decided to keep this going, and took another 4g. Mistake #2.
T+02:00 - Sudden burst of energy, a frenzy you might say. Started running around like an idiot, literally bouncing off the walls. Only lasted a few minutes.
T+02:15 - First warning signs. I now felt like I'd had an entire bottle of vodka, walking was difficult but possible (I had this sense that I was lurching everywhere), and the first signs of nausea appeared. I lost almost all tactile sensation as well, which worried me less than it should have.
T+02:30 - Now I'm fighting the nausea big time. I end up sitting beside the toilet, waiting for the inevitable...
T+03:45 - ...and wake up lying on the bathroom floor. I apparently passed out for over an hour, and the inevitable hadn't happened. Relieved, I stand up - and then make a sudden dive for the toilet bowl. I heaved so hard that I burst a few capillaries around my eyes, looked like I had a rash around my eyes for two days.
T+04:00 - I'm feeling fine now... better than fine, actually. I'm back where I was at T+1:00. Putting the unpleasantness of the last few minutes behind me, I further explore the senses... unusual minor twitching in my forearms and feet, not unpleasant though.
T+05:00 - I got hungry, had some plain bread. I'm also pretty much at baseline at this point.
T+05:30 - Sleep is far, far away. I feel exhausted, but restless as well. I took another 2g, and fell asleep shortly aftewards.

I woke up after only 4 hours of sleep, but with some effort managed to get 4 more fitful hours. I felt pretty much normal that day, aside from a slight feeling of pressure behind the eyes and some photosensitivity. My mood was definitely upbeat, with quite a lot of creative energy to burn... too much in fact, there wasn't enough time to do everything that I wanted to do. Two days later, I'm back to my usual self.

My first piece of advice to anyone who's determined to try GHB (or any drug for that matter): Don't have a heavy meal that day! Next time I try this, I'm having a light, bland meal at least 4 hours beforehand. Second, get your dosage right! 4g is probably my 'comfort zone', as I experienced some very positive things before I started to go back to baseline, but I'm a 260lb male with a higher-than-average tolerance to most things (alcohol, caffeine, pain relievers, anesthetic, etc). Do the research, calculate the correct dose for your size, and then try *half* that (some texts say to try an *eigth*, in case there's an allergic reaction), and see where it takes you. As I said, I probably did correctly choose my dose, but as I started to come down, I *doubled* it by taking another 4g! There was still quite a bit left in my system, I was only 1 hour 45 minutes into it. Most texts recommend waiting at least 3 to 5 hours between doses, I tend to agree based on my experience.

GHB is powerful stuff and makes no allowance for your mistakes; it's too easy to get it wrong. But in my opinion, when it's done properly it can be quite rewarding.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9381
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 26, 2004Views: 59,167
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GHB (25) : Alone (16), Overdose (29), Glowing Experiences (4), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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