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A Great Drug
Methylone & DPT
Citation:   jaggerjack. "A Great Drug: An Experience with Methylone & DPT (exp93877)". Mar 13, 2012.

T+ 0:00
45 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:15 165 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
Prom House

I was at a lake house for an after prom party with my friends. The group was odd, 13 girls, two guys in relationships and me. My prom date P was in the group as was my ex CT. The two guys were R and AD. At the time of the experience I had pretty decent experience with psychedelics, although mostly limited to tryptamines, and smoked a lot of weed. This was my first empathogen and I was both excited and nervous to try it. I would be doing 175 mg bk-MDMA while a few of my friends all tripped. P, J, A, and M each did 55 mg of 2C-C while C and M did 20 mg of 4-AcO-DMT. This was everyone’s first time tripping except for P and the 4-AcO-DMT was a bit old so the actual dose was probably around 16 mg.

We had all been lounging around hanging out until around 4 PM when we took our doses. Everyone but me had been drinking the night before so some people still might have been feeling a bit lethargic because of that. In around 15 minutes I was feeling incredibly airy and warm. Moving felt fantastic and I was at peace. CT asked if anyone wanted to go to the grocery store to get food and I jumped up at the chance to talk to her. We were on relatively good terms and this motion was completely friendly. P and J came along for the ride because they knew the area. I was under the impression that it would be a 20 minute trip total so by the time I was back people would just be starting to come up.

This was not the case, and leaving a group of novice trippers alone in a house of people who didn’t know diddly about drugs (other than alcohol, which they don’t consider a drug…) was incredibly irresponsible of me. I told R to call me if anything went wrong and told the trippers I would be back soon. The car was fantastic. The air conditioning on my face, my hand out the wind, and me melting into the seat leather while holding CT’s shoulder. Pure ecstasy. Pure not giving a fuck.

We got to the store after a 15 minute drive and P and J opted to wait outside. CT and I went in and we talked about why we broke up and what went wrong with our relationship. This was a fantastic moment for me one of the main issues (in my mind) with our relationship was that we rarely communicated our feelings. However on bk-MDMA I was very willing to do so. I happily walked through the store, being led like a puppy, with orange and purple sunglasses on my shirt (in case my pupils became dialated) as I talked with CT. After we gathered all our ingredients and paid we headed outside. We saw P in the “psychedelic crisis” position, you know the one where the tripper is rocking back in forth on the ground in the fetal position? Yea that one.

So I freak out and eventually realize she’s fine but just feeling weird. J threw up but they’re still cognizant and we speed back to the house. I get in and R tells me the remaining four are in a room. So I go in, the lights are turned off and they’re wigging out, and I tell them all we’re going to go outside and chill the fuck out. And smoke some weed. Because I’m smoking some weed since I want to chill the fuck out. Throughout this experience I was worried about the other trippers (for obvious reasons), and I could have had a bit more fun if I wasn’t.

So we all went outside and smoked some weed. The weed was smoked for a long period of time and we all just sat and chatted in peace in the middle of a swamp. It was beautiful and tranquil. People who weren’t tripping made the group dynamics a bit uncomfortable when they all came outside it. Over a period of four hours the bk-MDMA high died off and I was left feeling pleasant, tired, and very stoned. I stayed up until around 2 and then crashed. The next morning I woke up at 6 and sat around doing nothing. I had no motivation. None. I couldn’t even motivate myself to take a nap (which I finally did that afternoon). When I did I felt fine and dandy.

A quick note: At some point during the experience I texted a girl I had just met telling her how great I thought she was and how much I wanted to get to know her better. That’s certainly out of character for me but she seemed special and the bk-MDMA gave me confidence. I had met her two days before at prom and she was the first girl whose number I’d asked for. I had an immediate connection with her that I almost never have with anyone. Luckily for me she was just as excited as I was and she wasn’t creeped out by my text. We arranged for a date shortly after getting back from prom house. Let’s just call her S.

Snuggling at Home

So fast forward about two and a half months and I’m doing bk-MDMA again. This time with S. We’re in a pretty serious relationship and we just had a talk where we decided to stay together when I go away to college (which is in about two weeks from the time of this experience). We’re both taking 185 mg. This is her first time with an empathogen and she had tripped once on 2C-C.

We drop around 1 PM and again I’m feeling it incredibly quickly. I’m just floating around the room yapping away. I figured this would be a pretty fantastic bonding experience for us and it was. I was in love with her. Which I knew when sober. I had been thinking about it before the experience and I knew I loved her, I just couldn’t get the nerve to tell her (this issue of no communication was more the topic than a general trend of no communication such as it was in my last relationship).

I told her now though. bk-MDMA is an incredibly opening and talkative drug. As we were coming up I told her. A weight was lifted off my chest as she held me even tighter and whispered in my ear “I love you too.” She was warm on my bare skin. I was more than happy. More than content. I couldn’t be in a better place. And I continued talking about how much I loved her. Her smile, her laugh, holding her hand, kissing her lips. Cuddling, going to concerts. Everything.

And her touch was heavenly, her holding me, breathing on me, looking at me. Good god everything was great. And we just talked and cuddled and touched and kissed for four hours while listening to music. The four hour playlist finished after what seemed like two and I started to feel unenergetic. For the next few hours S talked while I listened. Around 11 PM I drove her home and came back to my house. At no point during the roll could I have gotten it up but towards the end I was getting blue balls so when I got back to my house I relieved myself. It still took a lot of stimulation to get it up and the orgasm was nothing special. Around 1 AM I hit the hay. I woke up at 9 (again with no energy) and this time smoked a bowl and hung out with friends. Later in the day I felt fine.

College Spades

My final experience with bk-MDMA as of yet was 165 mg in combination with around 45 mg DPT. This experience was at college, two months after the last experience with S. I have considerable experience with psychedelics and had done DPT before at a similar dose.

Me and my friends L and C had smoked a bowl or two before I snorted the DPT around 9 PM. Both L and C were empathogen niave. I waited until my eyes dilated and I felt that odd body vibration, about 15 minutes, before downing my bk-MDMA. Again, within 15 minutes I was feeling it. After another 30 I was peaking, although the DPT wasn’t adding too much to the experience. I started playing spades with L, J and J’s younger brother. C was content watching. I had to have J’s brother (my partner) remind me of what was going on frequently as I found it very hard to actually follow the game. At times I was just blindly throwing cards from my hand, but still it was very enjoyable.

I remembered thinking of how happy I was to be with S a lot during this experience. I was quite excited to see her next week and wondering why I didn’t just do the bk-MDMA with her. I love feeling this way around her. I had no service inside so I walked out to text send a text. It was parent’s weekend so I ran into lots of adults. I was comfortable around them and appeared to appear normal, perhaps just a bit bubbly. Certainly they wouldn’t have assumed I was anything more than drunk if they caught wind of some inebriation.

After a while everyone came outside and walked around in the brisk air. Moving felt great and swinging on a jungle gym even better. I was quite content and lights had a very nice glow around them. After a while we went in and listened to some psy/chillout music. I zoned in and out enjoying every note. I pulled out my rave gloves and messed around with those for a bit, enjoying the slight tracers.

After nearly four hours I took L to a party by bus. I was no longer overwhelmed with euphoria but just pleasantly fuzzy. The bus driver took a cig break after I dropped L off and I was alone in silence. The heat was turned up and I was quite comfortable. I got back to my dorm room and listened to music until around 9 AM, with some intermittent talking in between. I just wasn’t sleepy. I forced myself to sleep after I noticed it was light out and got up for a study group at noon. I felt fine, still warm. I had more energy than I should have and I stayed up until 4 AM the next night without napping.

End Results:

For me bk-MDMA is a great drug. I feel the first alerts 15 minutes after ingestion. It starts with a floaty body buzz and progresses to great feelings of empathy and love within an hour. I’m warm all over, happy with anything and anyone and down to talk. I don’t get particularly stimulated on this drug but I could see dancing at a concert on it. The comedown is slow and the effects are nearly gone by four hours. There is sometimes a crash or hangover and sometimes not; if there is one it isn’t particularly bad, something a nap or a bowl can cure.

My friends have all enjoyed this substance. Out of ten experiences only one person has thrown up (and that was more likely due to exercise on a full stomach than anything else). S didn’t report any euphoria or body high but did report feelings of openness.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93877
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 13, 2012Views: 5,129
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Methylone (255) : Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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