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Looking for a Cannabis Replacement
Heimia salicifolia
Citation:   PierreO. "Looking for a Cannabis Replacement: An Experience with Heimia salicifolia (exp93937)". Aug 3, 2018.

0.5 g smoked Heimia salicifolia
  150-200 mg smoked Cannabis - Hash
    smoked Tobacco
Looking for a cannabis replacement? Or a way to spend less money getting high? So did I, and here is what I found out:

I was starting med school two years ago, and I had just moved to a new city. I had an ambition to quit smoking weed. I was 20 years old and had been smoking week on a daily to bi-daily basis for 5 years, and never stopped for more than a couple of weeks at a time. (also, casual use of most other substances available to me)

I wanted to stop both for financial reasons and because a had a vision that I was going to free myself from substance-addiction (be it physical or mental). I decided to go with a transition-period approach, and I started looking for suitable (cheap, mild) alternatives and I especially turned to ethnobotanics. Sinicuichi was the best stuff I came up with.

Needless to say, my quitting-weed project didnt come through in the long run. However I did replace cannabis with sinicuichi for a few months in the beginning, and since then, it has helped me achieve a (low, for me) level of only 2-3 grams of hash pr. Week. [I'm still in med school and doing fine btw. But still gotta catch a buzz in the evening].

Now when smoking alone (week nights), I often mix approx. a half gram of dry sinicuichi with a maybe 0,15 - 0.2g of hash or a bit of weed, and tobacco
I often mix approx. a half gram of dry sinicuichi with a maybe 0,15 - 0.2g of hash or a bit of weed, and tobacco
a roasted cigarette in a spliff. It burns slowly and a spliff can last for while. The smoke is probably the best tasting herb I've tried. Sweet as honey, and not harsh at all!

One or two of those badboys will get me nice and baked. I definitely think there is a synergic effect between cannabis (especially hash) and sinicuichi. The effect is mildy trippy and pleasent, and with a tingling twist to it. Kind of in the same way as a shroom come-up. I always get lots of smiling, and extra enjoy of music. Floating thoughts. Often I also get a (very) mild psychedelic effect (primarily golden/greenish glow), especially from the sorroundings of whatever I'm looking directly at.

Another nice effect of this combo is the absence of tachycardia, which I often get from cannabis alone. The high lasts a couple of hours, slowly fading. I have experienced no notable additional comedown or after effects.

When I dont smoke weed, I'll smoke 1-1½ gram sinicuichi (sometimes more) per night divided into two or three spliffs, rolled with roasted tobacco. It doesnt do much, but its deffinately better than not smoking anything. Relaxed, but slight tingling. Floating thoughts. Most importantly, it relieved my need to catch a buzz.
Most importantly, it relieved my need to catch a buzz.
Next time I quit cannabis I will use sinicuichi again for sure.

It is cheap, it tastes good, and I get a better AND prolonged total hightime from a gram of hash or weed by cutting it with sinicuichi. If I am looking to quit smoking weed but need something to compensate, this will do.

Exp Year: 2009-2011ExpID: 93937
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Aug 3, 2018Views: 2,597
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Heimia salicifolia (150) : General (1), Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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