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by Zac
Citation:   Zac. "Wow: An Experience with Methoxetamine (exp94034)". May 15, 2019.

50 mg oral Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
Well my nam is zac and I have exparemented with mutipule RC's over the years such as methylone and mdpv.... I one day recived a 1 gram sample of MXE from a trusted vendor. I read up on it and done much resurch before exparementing with it. I dicided that 50 mg would be fine for the fact that I'm quite a big guy. I messuerd out 50 mg and parachuted it at 12:00

12:20 I feel light, similar to DXM or opium... Great feeling in legs music sounds nice.

12:50 I cant feel the cold outside, 15 deegres F ... Hard and strange to walk but nice.... I tend to be empothetic on this stubstance and want to solve world issues.

1:30 I have peaked for about 20 min, music is amazing, and ephoria is the best way to discribe this.

1:50 I decide to take a jog... Much like running on 2CI only feel less joint and latic acid pain. Invicable feeling....

Overall after that started to come down, and it waset noticable until I could feel the cold winter air on my face... Well it was a great experenceThis chem makes me feel invicable and untochable....

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 94034
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 15, 2019Views: 812
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Methoxetamine (527) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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